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PAGE I 基于Pro/E的发动机实体建模及运动仿真 摘? 要 发动机是一种应用广泛的传递动力,把能量转化为机械能的装置。目前的传统的发动机都是将燃料的化学能转变为热能,再由热能转变为机械动力,并通过底盘的传动系和行驶系驱动汽车行驶。有其广泛的空间,但由于发动机传统开发模式存在的开发周期长、过程繁杂、开发成本高、性能测试困难等问题,本文将仿真技术引入发动机开发领域,完成以下工作: 1.介绍了发动机的发展历史及前景,发动机的种类,介绍了仿真技术产生的背景、在国内的发展状况以及仿真技术的实际意义。 2.?简述了Pro/E软件在工程设计中的应用,利用Pro/E构建发动机的三维实体模型,并对其进行装配,在Pro/E环境下进行了装配干涉检验。 3.在Pro/ENIEER MECHANISM环境下进行运动仿真,得出发动机工作的性能曲线。 关键字:发动机 仿真技术 三维建模 The Papers about engine that based on Pro / E solid modeling and Simulation Abstract The engine is a widely used transmission power, the energy into mechanical energy of the device. The current engine is the fuel of traditional chemical energy into heat, then heat energy into mechanical power transmission through the chassis and drive line drive the vehicle. With its wide space, but there is the engine of the traditional development model long development cycle, the process of complex, high development cost, performance testing difficulties, this paper will develop the field of simulation technology into the engine, do the following: 1. The development foreground,the category and engine’s history is introduced,also the background of simulation technology come into being,developing status in local and the significance of virtual prototype technology is introduced. 2.To brief introduce the Pro/E software which application in the field of engineering,the 3D modeling is used by Pro/E software,which is built and interferential test of assembly in Pro/E environment is completed. 3.The simulated motion in Pro/E invironment is completed,and the capability curve is reached. Keywords: engine , Simulation technology, 3D modeling. 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 前言 1 1.1发动机的简介 1 1.1.1发动机的发展历史及前景 1 1.1.2发动机的种类 2 1.1.3 本章小结 3 1.2 运动仿真技术简介 4 1.2.1运动仿真技术产生的背景 4 1.2.2运动仿真技术 4 1.2.3运动仿真技术在国内外的发展概况 4 1.2.4 发展运动仿真技术的重要意义 5 1.2.5 总结 5 2 Pro/E软件简介 6 2.1 Pro/E软件的基本功能及作用 6 2.2本章小结 7 3.发动机主要零件三维实体建模 8 3.1零件建模 8 3.1.1曲轴的生成 8 3.1.2上下曲轴箱体的生成 9 3.1


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