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沈阳工业大学硕士学位论文格式规范 PAGE - - PAGE II 密级: FDM型3D打印机机械结构设计 Design of Mechanical Structure for FDM-type 3D Printer 学 院:机械工程学院 专 业 班 级:机械设计制造及其自动化1006班 学 号 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: PAGE I 摘 要 课题以FDM型3D打印机机械结构设计为主要工作。通过对3D打印机机械结构分析及设计,实现3D打印机在工作过程中所需要的机械运动。实现3D打印机的机械运动后,便可满足3D打印机打印功能的基本要求。 在设计中,首先了解3D打印机的功能及工作原理,进而分析3D打印机在工作过程中需要实现怎样的机械运动,从而思考怎样的机械结构能实现所需要的机械运动。列出可以采用的几种方案,论述所列方案的优缺点、机构实现的难易程度及各个方案的机械结构的合理性,在综合考量各个方案后选出相对合理的提案,并进行机械结构的设计。 3D打印机在工作过程中,主要应实现X、Y、Z三个方向的机械运动。因此,所设计的3D打印机的机械结构应达到X、Y、Z三个方向平动的要求。在设计过程中通过对3D打印机的观看,结合其他机床实现机械运动的方法,从而得出自己最终要选择的设计方案。 设计过程中首先列出几种传动方案,如齿轮传动,齿条传动,齿形带传动及丝杠等。通过对各种机构实现传动的特点进行分析、所设计3D打印机外形尺寸的考虑及各个方面的参考后,本次3D打印机的设计,最终选择通过丝杠、导轨及导柱等实现3D打印机的机械运动。动力传动选择伺服电机通过联轴器与导轨直连实现。 关键词:FDM;3D打印机;齿型带传动 Abstract The topic of my graduated design is FDM 3D printers mechanical design. 3D object is achieved by the work of the analysis and design of the mechanical structure of the printer to achieve 3D printer during operation of the mechanical movement required. when achieved the mechanical movement, you can meet the basic requirements of 3D printer functions. In the design of the course, I get the meaning of the function and operation principle 3D printer ,3D printer at first .Then analyzed in the work process to achieve what needs to mechanical motion, thus we need to think what mechanical structure about how to achieve the required mechanical movement. Then lists several options can be used and thinking the advantages and disadvantages are listed in the program and the degree of difficulty to achieve advantages and disadvantages of the various agencies and programs implemented in various programs after comprehensive consideration of the proposal to elect a relatively reasonable, and mechanical Design. 3D printers in the course of their work, mainly to be achieved three directions mechanical movement of X, Y, Z. Thus, the mechanical structure of the printer should be designed to achieve 3D X, Y, Z three movable parallel t



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