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共享经济模式下我国公路物流行业发展 研究 刘少一 中国社会科学院研究生院投资经济系 摘要: 我国公路物流行业关联产业众多,物流费用占国民经济比重较大。但是,仍然存 在效率较低、成本偏高等问题。本文通过分析我国公路物流行业发展现状及特点, 对比公路物流行业同出租车行业二者之间的差界,指出公路物流行业应用共享 经济模式的必要性、可行性及难点,提出了相关建议:建立全国性的、线上线下 相结合的公路物流枢纽网,加强各物流枢纽之间的协作和信息互通,完善公路 物流调度、仓储、交易等环节;逐步培育全国性物流公司,实现同城配送与城际 运输的高效衔接,提升公路物流服务质量和效率,进一步促进公路货运双方的 合作;加强信用体系建设,完善相关法律法规,加大对失信者的惩处力度,营造 良好的公路物流行业发展环境。 关键词: 共享经济;公路物流行业;物流成本; 作者简介:刘少一,中国社会科学院研究生院投资经济系博士生,研究方向为产 业经济学。(北京100079) 基金:国家社会科学基金项目“保险业系统性风险与金融稳定关系研究”(项目 编号:14CJY073) Abstract: China s logistics industry regarding road transportation is widely connected to many other industries. Logistics costs account for a big propor tion of the nati onal eco no my. Due to high cost and low efficiency, to improve the efficiency of operation on road transportation logistics seems to be crucial. This paper analyzes the current situation and charactcristics of Chinas road transportation logistics industry, whilst compared with the taxi business, and discusses the necessity, feasibility and difficulties of applying the sharing-economy model in logistics industry. The paper suggests: first, establishing hubs of national road transportation network that combines online and offline, and enhancing collaboration and information flows among these hubs, as well as improving phases of the logistics industry such as scheduling, warehousing and trading; whats more, gradual 1y nurturing nation-wide logistics companics that arc able to achieve the officient conncction between intracity services and city-to-city transportation, and improving the quality and efficiency of road transportation logistics, as well as encouraging the cooperation between road transportation and freight; last but not 1 east, strengthening the credit system, improving rclcvant laws and rcgulations, penalizing those who break rules, and building a healthy atmosphere for the development of the logistics industry. Keyword: sharing economy; highway logistics industry; logistics cost; 一、引言 公路物流行业是国民经济运行的重要纽带,它承担了我国70%以上的国内货物 运输,


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