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Unit 20;Activity 1 p13;We could look in the newspaper or Time out to find out which films are on… 我们可以看看报纸或”出行指南”,查查演什么电影. look ---- search有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站, 寻找 试着在床底下找找看. Try looking under the bed. find out 找出, 发现, 认识到, 请打听一下那艘船什么时候开往纽约。 Please find out when the ship sails for New York.  on 进行中的 今晚电视放什么电影? What movies are on TV tonight?;(征求意见) Shall I come to your flat after work, so that we can decide what to do? 我下班后去你那,然后再决定做什么好吗? after work 下班后  at work 上班 so that 以便(目的) 比较: so (形容词\副词) that如此…以致(结果) 他很累,所以很快就睡着了. He is so tired that he falls into sleep soon. He is tired so that he falls into sleep soon. See you at around 6 o’clock. around大约 =about;I don’t want to watch anything sad. 我不想看悲伤的片子. 看电影 watch / see a movie (film) 看电视、比赛 watch TV / a game 看那个人。你看见没有? Look at the man. Can you see him? 不定代词something, nothing等定语后置 Let’s go to something really funny to make us laugh. 咱去看一部特别滑稽的片子好好笑一笑吧. Yes, or something exciting like an adventure film. 好的, 或者探险片之类的比较刺激的.   这没什么了不起。 Its nothing serious.;I’ll buy Time Out from the newsagent on my way home. 那我在回家路上到报商那买份《出行指南》。 on one’s way home在回家的路上 我在去银行的路上捡到一个钱包. I found a wallet on my way to the bank. on one’s way to a place在…的路上 Do P15 A2,A3 ;Activity 2与电影类型有关的词汇 ;Activity 3;Activity 3;Activity 4 Extract 1 p234;Review评论, 影评 p18 (simple present);Review评论, 影评 p19(words in the exercise);The police arrive and her boyfriend sees her life is in very great danger. the police—[(the) P]警方; 警察(集体名词) 增派了警察去出事地点. Extra police were rushed to the scene of the trouble in very great danger处于极大的危险当中 great极大的 (p25 Language Focus) ;He decides to rescue her, although the police try to stop him. 虽然警察力图阻挡,男友仍然决意营救. although与but不能同时使用。此句也可说成: The police try to stop him, but he decides to rescue her. plot, action, special effects, soundtrack 情节. 动作, 特技, 电影配乐/电影原声带 weak, fantastic, explosive, violent, amazing 弱/差的, 极好的, 爆炸的/火爆的,暴力的 /激烈的,令人惊异的;;Although her interview technique is rathe


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