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中国最大的论文知识平台 内 容 摘 要 随着国内外竞争的加剧和全球经济一体化的发展,物流作为企业的第三利润源正得到越来越多的重视。仓储作为物流系统的主要组成部分,它在原产地、消费地,或者在这两地之间存储管理物品,并且向管理者提供有关存储物品的状态、条件和处理情况等信息。目前,仓储在物流战略中的重要性日益提高,在物流管理中占据核心地位,并已成为供应链管理的核心环节。 本文通过东源公司的例子,阐述了仓储管理的相关知识和仓储系统的优化处理。通过对东源公司仓储系统的观察,发现该系统主要存在以下问题:1.仓储位置设置不合理。2.货位管理不当。3.仓储控制没有侧重点。4.采购提前量设置不合理。 应用仓储管理相关理论针对以上问题进行改进研究。针对问题1,根据进出库频繁程度及搬运难度重新设计仓储位置;针对问题2,实施5S管理法来根治源头,达到治标目的;针对问题3,应用CVA法,对每种物料设定优先级,分别以颜色标记,采用颜色管理法以使库存控制有针对性;针对问题4,根据物料大小,重要程度,供应商信誉等,为不同的物料设定不同的要求到料时间。通过对东源公司仓储系统的改进优化,可以使仓储作业的效率得到提高,降低企业仓储成本。 关键词:仓储管理、5S管理法、CVA、颜色管理法 ABSTRACT Storage and logistics systems as part of its country of origin, of consumption, or storage management goods between two places, and to provide managers the status of stored goods, conditions and handling of such information. Currently, warehousing logistics strategy in the growing importance, occupies the central position of logistics management and supply chain management has become a core part. This article TONWEI company example, described the knowledge of storage management and storage system optimization. Through the companys storage systems Eastern observation, found primarily in the following questions: 1. Storage location setting unreasonable. 2. Mismanagement of cargo space. 3. Inventory control are different emphases. 4. Purchase in advance the amount set unreasonable. Improvement of the issue for more. For Question 1, according to the frequency of access to library re-design of storage and handling difficult position; for question 2, the implementation of 5S management method to eradicate the source; for Question 3, Application CVA method, set the priority level for each material, each color tag using the color management method; for question 4, according to material size, importance, supplier credit, etc., for different materials to the material requirements set different time. Through the companys storage systems to improve TONWEI optimization can improve the efficiency of storage operations and reduce enterpri


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