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浙江省外贸对经济增长的影响分析 内 容 摘 要 对外贸易与经济增长之间的关系自经济学诞生之日起便存在广 泛的争论。百年来学术界对对外贸易与经济增长之间的联系以及联系 的大小进行了广泛的研究,有贸易促进论,贸易阻碍论和贸易折衷论 三种不同的观点。但是原有的研究大多集中于国家层面,关注个别省 份对外贸易与经济增长关系的研究力度不够。浙江省作为全国贸易的 第四大省,改革开放以来国民经济与对外贸易都经历了迅猛增长,而 对浙江省外贸与经济增长相关影响的实证研究更是非常稀少,还有很 大的完善空间。 针对目前研究的局限性,本文在总结和分析现有相关文献的基础 上,着重研究了浙江省外贸的现状及其经济效应并对浙江省外贸对经 济增长的影响做了与时俱进的实证分析,通过格兰杰因果检验得出以 下结论:浙江省的出口是经济增长的格兰杰原因。最后,本文还对浙 江省如何更好的进行对外贸易提出了相关的政策建议。 关键词: 浙江省 对外贸易 经济增长 格兰杰因果检验 1 ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF TRADE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN ZHEJIANG ABSTRACT The relationship between economic growth and foreign trade had been widely debated since the day that economist was born. There has been a wide range of academic research on the real link between foreign trade and economic growth during the hundreds of years. There are three different viewpoints: the trade promotion, the trade obstacles and compromise. But previous studies have focused largely on the national level. Attention to individual provinces study on the relationship between foreign trade and economic growth is insufficient. Zhejiang as the fourth largest trade province of China, Foreign trade and economic growth has experienced rapidly since the beginning of reform and opening up, but the empirical studies of the impact on Zhejiangs foreign trade and economic growth are extremely small, should be improved. 2 As the limitations of the current studies, this paper reviewed and analyzed the existing literature, at the same time, did empirical analysis on the impact of Zhejiang’s foreign trade to economic growth of the times, and co


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