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經營管理論叢 Vol.2, No.1, 2006 第 1-28 頁 影響網路購物行為之關鍵因素分析 Key Dimensions of Consumer Behavior on B2C Web Sites 王信文1 何巧齡2 ( Received: May. 9, 2005 ;First Revision: Apr. 28, 2006 ;Accepted: May. 24, 2006 ) 摘要 網路寬頻普及化促進網際網路上的商業行為,透過網路進行購物不再是少數,隨著 外在刺激,消費者對網路購物的熟悉度增加,加上親朋好友的經驗分享與政府的大力推 廣與著手研發安全交易機制,將逐漸降低消費者對網路安全的疑慮,大大地提升了潛在 消費者成為消費者的可能性。本研究主要目的為探討影響網路購物行為之重要因素,以 問卷方式獲得初級資料,經統計分析後發現:(1)上網人口男女比率差距不大;(2)無網 購經驗者有9成可接受網路購物,顯示網路仍有無限商機;(3)網路購物資訊來源取得多 以經常使用網站得知,其次有網購經驗者為經搜尋得知,而無網購經驗者則為親友告知 為其次;(4)有網路購物經驗者最常於網路上購買產品多為非民生必需品;(5)網路購物 者,平均每月購物金額多為3,000元以下,以499元以下最多。購買次數平均多為一個月 一次以內;(6)有無網路購物經驗者在進行網路購物決策時考量情形下列項目有顯著差 異:1.經由網路購物較其他方式購物便宜;2.受網頁廣告吸引;3.網路購物取貨便利;4. 網路傳輸速度;5.取得政府或相關機關認可;6.交貨速度快慢;7.運送費用高低;以及8. 家人意見影響購物決策;以及(7)影響網路購物行為之關鍵包括:外在刺激因素為價值考 量;賣方控制系統為運送與保證、訂購與付款;環境因素為同儕意見。 關鍵字:網路購物、消費者行為模式、外在刺激、賣方控制系統、同儕意見 Abstract The wide band of the network popularizes and melts to promote the conduct of business on the internet network, it is not the minority again to do shopping through the network, with the external stimulus, consumers increase familiar degree of shopping at network, share the energetically popularization with the government with set about researching and developing the safe trade mechanism, in addition, the experience of relatives and friends, will reduce consumers doubts and worries about online security gradually , improve the possibility that potential consumers become consumers greatly . This main purpose of research influences the important factor of the behavior of shopping at network in order to probe into, get the elementary materials by way of questionnaire, find after statistical analysis: (1) The men and women of population to surf the net rate does not have big disparity; (2) Have


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