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变压吸附器开裂原因分析及失效预防艾志斌,陈学东,李蓉蓉,潘建华,范志超( 合肥通用机械研究
( 合肥通用机械研究院 国家压力容器与管道工程技术研究中心,安徽 合肥
摘 要: 变压吸附器( PSA) 是制氢装置中的关键设备,在典型的疲劳工况下操作,设计使用寿命一般
为 10 ~ 15 年。近年来,中国多家石化和煤化工企业的 PSA 氢提纯吸附器在仅投用 3 ~ 4 年、远未达 到设计疲劳寿命的情况下即发生了筒体焊缝和母材大面积开裂甚至泄漏现象,造成装置非计划停 车并严重影响装置运行安全。根据对典型开裂案例的失效分析情况,结合对多家石化企业百余台 吸附器的设计和使用情况的调研结果,从疲劳设计、制造、使用、检验等环节对造成吸附器开裂的主 要影响因素进行了深入分析,从设计、制造、操作和在役检验等方面提出了避免吸附器过早发生疲 劳破坏的改进措施,为保障设备的长周期安全运行发挥了重要作用。
关键词: 变压吸附器; 开裂; 失效分析; 疲劳; 制造缺陷
中图分类号: TH49; TQ116. 2
文献标识码: B
文章编号: 1001 - 4837( 2013) 04 - 0061 - 06
doi: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1001 - 4837. 2013. 04. 011
Analysis on Cracking Cause of Pressure Swing Adsorber
AI Zhi - bin,CHEN Xue - dong,LI Rong - rong,PAN Jian - hua,FAN Zhi - chao
( National Engineering Technology Research Center on PVP Safety,Hefei General Machinery Research In- stitute,Hefei 230031,China)
Abstract: Pressure swing adsorber ( PSA) is a key equipment in the hydrogen making plant and operates
under typical fatigue operating conditions,its design service life is typically 10 ~ 15 years. In recent years, PSA adsorbers for hydrogen purification in many Chinese petrochemical and coal chemical enterprises ex- perienced the phenomenon of large - area cracking and even leakage of shell welds and base metal just af- ter they have been put into service for 3 ~ 4 years,which is far from achieving the design fatigue life,and this caused unscheduled shutdown of the plants and seriously influenced operating safety of the plants. Ac- cording to the failure analysis made by the authors on typical cracking cases and in combination with the results of investigation on the design and operation condition of nearly 100 adsorbers in tens of Chinese petrochemical enterprises,a in - depth analysis is carried out on the main influential factors which cause adsorber cracking from the links of fatigue design,manufacture,operation,inspection,etc. ,and improve- ment measures for avoiding premature cracking,which play an important role in guarant