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电子商务对我国国有商业银行营销的影响 内容摘要 随着 Internet 在全球的迅猛发展,银行业和电子商务日益成为两个不可分割 的实体。如今,为了迎接08 奥运年和促进经济全球化,处于主导地位的中国国有 商业银行将采取何种有效的策略在电子商务环境下朝着更有利的方向发展,已成 为稳定我国经济,帮助我国走向世界的关键切入点。本文将从近几年我国电子商 务和银行业的发展状况出发,具体分析电子商务给我国国有商业银行营销所带来 的影响,然后进一步结合我国四大国有商业银行其中之一的中国工商银行的发展 历程进行研究,分析电子商务对工商银行的影响。最后通过调查和访谈提出中国 工商银行目前存在的问题并给予相应的几点建议。 关键词:电子商务 国有商业银行 中国工商银行 营销 1 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of internet, banking and e-commerce have become two essential parts. At present, in order to welcome 08 Olympic Games and impact the globalization of economy, what methods State-owned Commercial Bank of China should try out is becoming a key question for our country which help China to level off today’s economy in the rapid development of information and e-commerce. This essay will introduce the environment of e-commerce and banking in China in recent years, and analyze the influence of four state-owned commercial banks in China under e-commerce’s environment. Then it will take an example of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) which is one of four state-owned commercial banks, research the development process of ICBC in three parts, analysis of e-commerce on the impact of the industrial and commercial bank.At the last, it will put forward important problems of ICBC and give some effective suggestions. Key words: Electronic Commerce State-owned,Commercial Bank of China,Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,Marketing 第一章 引言 著名成功创业家比尔·盖茨曾预言:“未来要么电子商务,要么无商可务。” 显而易见,众多事实也证明了21世纪电子商务对各行各业的重要性.而对于维持 了高速扩张的势头的我国银行业来说,也已于电子商务这个大环境紧密相关。那 么,当面对过去几年中所存在的问题时,比如资产质量、经营管理和风险控制等,


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