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运用六西格玛的原理研究综合性医院儿科门急诊静脉注射满意度 张齐放 王 健 徐莲瑛 王佩珍 朱红霞 王晓宁 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 儿科 200025 摘要:目的 运用六西格玛的原理,用事实和数据来说话,将儿科门急诊静脉输液作为一个工作流程,寻找静脉注射的各个环节并有可能影响病人满意度的最终结果并加以改进,从而达到更高的客户满意度,来提升瑞金医院儿科护理的品牌。方法 通过设计数据收集表,收集影响静脉注射满意度的各个因数以及对结果的影响程度,用统计学的方法得出结论。结果 215例样本中,满意选项177例,不满意选项38例,占总调查人数的17.67%,在不满意选项中护士的技术占首位52.6%;一次穿刺成功率、护士的表情和态度、注射持续时间对家长满意度有统计学意义上的影响(P 0.001)。结论 制定改善护士行为的一系列具体方案和措施,规范操作流程,提高服务和沟通的能力和水平;提高护士的静脉穿刺水平,一针见血;改善注射流程,提高技术操作的能力和速度,缩短注射持续时间,提高儿科门急诊静脉注射满意度。 关键词:六西格玛原理;儿科门急诊;静脉注射;满意度 Patients satisfaction research of intravenous injection in out-patient and emergency departments of pediatrics in general hospital by using cigama principle Abstract : Objective: Using the principles of six-cigama to find the related factors that affect patients’ satisfaction in the process of intravenous injection in out-patient and emergency departments of pediatrics and to improve the potentially affecting patient satisfaction links so as to achieve higher satisfaction and to upgrade the pediatric caring of Ruiin Hospital. Method: Through data collection to collect the various factors impacting intravenous satisfaction and the influent degree to the result, adopt statistics means to get a conclusion. Result: In the 215 cases, 38 dissatisfied while the other 177 cases satisfied, 17.67% of all. In the dissatisfied cases, technical factors accounting for the first, to be 52.6% of all. The success rate, nurse expression and attitude, injection duration, these three items affected the parents satisfaction in statistics meanings aspect. (P 0.001). Conclusion: A series of measures should be taken to improve the nursing care, the communication and the success rate of intravenous injection, to improve injection flow, enhance technical capacity and speed, shorten the duration of injection so as to higher the satisfaction of out-patient and emergency departments of pediatrics. Key words : six-cigama principles; Out-patient and emergency departments of pediatrics;Intravenous


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