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百分比横条 图片目录 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 百分比横条 图片目录 * 百分比横条 图片目录 * * * * 百分比横条 图片目录 * 细节中体现尊重--称谓一般怎么写? Hi Colleen, Hi, Colleen Dear Colleen, 要诀:保持一致性(Consistent) 关乎成败--写内容应该注意什么? We found a bug, please see description below: 1. When user enters this screen.. 有木有很丑? 要诀:字体要统一 英文推荐:This is Arial font. 中文推荐:微软雅黑 彰显你的职业化--签名 Regards, Kenny Thanks, Kenny 随意场合 ------------------ Regards, Kenny Liu Augmentum, Inc 简单商务 ------------------ Regards, Kenny Liu /boluotou 复杂个人 设置自己的名字。。 1 2 3 孔乙己说:你知道名字有N种写法吗? kennyliu kenny kenny.liu kenny liu KennyLiu kennyLiu kenny liu Kenny Kenny Liu 到底该如何写? One day, Jim go back home from school. When he walk by a river, suddenly he heard a voice, “Help!! Help!!”. Jim look through the voice and found a little girl is struggling in the river and water almost cover her head. At that very critical moment, Jim drop his bag and jump to the river then save the girl up to the land. Jim` s brave is appreciated by his headmaster. 先看一个故事: 如果你是这个学校的校长,请试图给Jim的父母发封邮件,告诉他们情况。 Dear Jim` s mother, One day, Jim go back home from school. When he walk by a river, suddenly he heard a voice, “Help!! Help!!”. Jim look through the voice and found a little girl is struggling in the river and water almost cover her head. At that very critical moment, Jim drop his bag and jump to the river then save the girl up to the land. I am very appreciate your son` s brave, thank you. Regards, Headmaster 当Jim父母读到这段话时: 校长又来发一些无聊邮件了 怎么回事?我儿子被水淹了喊救命?? 神马情况?最后还谢谢我儿子的勇敢? Dear Jim` s mother, Congratulations! Your son did a very good job that he saved a girl` s life today. Today, Jim go back home from school. When he walk by a river, suddenly he heard a voice, “Help!! Help!!”. Jim look through the voice and found a little girl is struggling in the river and water almost cover her head. At that very critical moment, Jim drop his bag and jump to the river then save the girl up to the land. I am appreciate your work and home education to Jim, thank y


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