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Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用 2014 ,50(1) 255 动态子和声算法求解无等待批量流水线问题 潘玉霞,谢 光,杨 琳 PAN Yuxia, XIE Guang, YANG Lin 三亚学院,海南 三亚 572000 Sanya College, Sanya, Hainan 572000, China PAN Yuxia, XIE Guang, YANG Lin. Harmony search algorithm with dynamic sub-harmony memories for lot-streaming no-wait flowshop scheduling problem. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2014, 50 (1):255-259. Abstract :An enhanced harmony search algorithm is proposed to solve lot-streaming no-wait scheduling problem. An ini- tialization method based on the NEH (Nawaz-Enscore-Ham )heuristic and chaos is designed, and the job sequences and real-valued vector are interconverted. A local best harmony vector is used to produce a new individual. The algorithm may get trapped in a local optimum. To overcome this problem, a mutation scheme is applied to each harmony vector. Then, the harmony memory is dynamic divided into some small-sized sub-HM based on shuffled frog-leaping algorithm. Finally, to further enhance the exploitation capability and efficiency of the algorithm, a local search algorithm is embedded in the proposed harmony search algorithm. The computational results and comparisons show that the proposed algorithm is effec- tive and efficient in finding better solutions for the problem considered. Key words :harmony search; lot-streaming; no-wait flow shop scheduling 摘 要:针对无等待批量流水线调度问题,根据和声算法的机理,提出了一种改进的和声算法对其进行求解。利用 NEH 和混沌序列相结合的方法产生初始解,并实现了和声向量与工序之间的转换;充分利用最优解,设计新的更新 算子,为了避免陷入局部最优,引入了变异策略;结合蛙跳算法分组的特点,将和声库随机动态的分成了几个子和 声;为平衡算法的全局开发和局部有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站的能力,对子和声中的最优解执行了局部有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站。通过仿真实验与其他几种算 法进行比较,证明了算法的有效性。 关键词:和声有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站;批量;无等待流水线调度 文献标志码:A 中图分类号:TP 181 doi :10.3778/j.issn. 1002-8331.1203-0816 1 前言 待问题的文献很少。1995年,Hamilton Emmons 等把批 [7] 无等待调度问题(No-wait Flowshop



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