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第34 卷 第3 期 中国腐蚀与防护学报 Vol.34 No.3 2014 年6 月 Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection Jun. 2014 交流电频率对X80 管线钢在酸性土壤模拟溶液 中腐蚀行为的影响 朱 敏 杜翠薇 李晓刚 刘智勇 王丽叶 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院 北京 100083 摘要:通过电化学测试、浸泡实验和表面分析技术研究了交流电频率(50~400 Hz) 对X80 钢在鹰潭酸性土壤模 拟溶液中腐蚀行为的影响。结果表明,随交流电频率的增加,X80 钢的腐蚀速率逐渐减小,腐蚀程度减弱。交 流电作用下X80 钢生成的腐蚀产物疏松、裂纹多,对基体的保护性很差。X80 钢的腐蚀电位偏移量随交流电频 率的增大而减小。随交流电频率的增大,阴、阳极极化曲线的振荡幅度逐渐减弱。交流电的施加不仅使阴、阳 极的电流密度增大,还使阴极反应由混合控制逐渐向活化控制转变。 关键词:X80 钢 交流电频率 腐蚀行为 腐蚀速率 中图分类号:TG 171 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-4537(2014)03-0225-06 Effects of Alternating Current (AC) Frequency on Corrosion Behavior of X80 Pipeline Steel in a Simulated Acid Soil Solution ZHU Min, DU Cuiwei, LI Xiaogang, LIU Zhiyong, WANG Liye School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China Abstract: The effect of frequency of the applied alternating current (AC) on corrosion behavior of X80 steel in an artificial liquid aiming to simulate the acid soil medium of Yingtan area was studied by means of electrochemical measurement, immersion test and surface characterization technique. The results showed that with the increasing AC frequency, the corrosion rate and the corrosion de- gree of X80 steel decreased gradually. The corrosion product of X80 steel under the applied AC was loose with many cracks thus could not offer proper protection to the substrate. The offset of corrosion potential of X80 steel decreased as the AC frequency increases. With the increase of AC frequency, the oscillation amplitude of anode and cathode polarization curve gradually receded. In the



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