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應用微多孔有機高分子薄膜改善染料敏化太陽能電池效率之研究 The study of Improving the Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Efficiency using a Micro-Porous Organic Polymer Film 研究生:王雋博 Wang, Chun-Po 指導教授:周春禧 Chou, Chuen-Shii 【摘要】   本研究為應用有機高分子材料於染料敏化太陽能電池工作電極於電性上的改善之研究,在工作電極方面分為兩種不同改善方式:(一)其結構為FTO導電玻璃基板上,以旋轉塗佈法製備PEDOT:PSS薄膜,再旋塗上一層TiO2薄膜;(二)其結構為一FTO導電玻璃基板旋塗上TiO2薄膜,再旋塗上一層不同摻雜比例P3HT:PCBM薄膜並吸附染料所形成。最後,將所裝的DSSC使用太陽光模擬器與IV量測系統(Science Tech 150 W)量測DSSC的開路電壓、短路電流、填充因子與光電轉換效率。本研究PEDOT:PSS改善染料敏化太陽能電池的光電轉換效率,實驗數據明顯證實具PEDOT:PSS薄膜的工作電極,有效阻隔FTO透明導電膜與電解液介面間的逆反應,其光電轉換效率為6.37 %,比TiO2電極的4.22 %高;而具有P3HT:PCBM薄膜的工作電極,因增加載子生成量,繼而提升光電轉換效率使其效率增加,其光電轉換效率為6.13 %,高於純TiO2工作電極4.22%。 關鍵字:有機高分子材料、PEDOT:PSS、P3HT、PCBM、染料敏化太陽能電池。 【Abstract】 This letter studies the improvement of applying organic polymeric materials on electrical property for the working electrode of dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC). For the working electrode, there are two ways to improve: (1) PEDOT: PSS film is prepared by spin coating on fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate, following a layer of TiO2 film: (2) TiO2 film is coated on FTO substrate, following a layer of P3HT:PCBM film with different doping ratio and absorbing dye. Finally, open-circuited voltage, short-circuited current, fill factor and power conversion efficiency of DSSC will be measured with solar simulator and IV measurement system (Science Tech 150 W). PEDOT:PSS in this study improved power conversion efficiency of DSSC. Additionally, the experimental data also verified that the working electrode with PEDOT:PSS film can efficiently block the reverse reaction between FTO transparent conducting film and electrolyte interface, where power conversion efficiency is 6.37 % higher than 4.22% for TiO2 electrode; the working electrode with P3HT:PCBM film enhanced efficiency owing to an increase of carrier generation, where power conversion efficiency is 6.13% higher than 4.22% for TiO2 electrode. Keywords:organic polymer film、PEDOT:PSS、P3HT、PCBM、Dye Sensitized Solar Cells


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