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体验灵动 感受卓越 Vivid Experience; Excellent Experience 东风雪铁龙凯旋媒体试乘试驾活动 Media Test Driving of Dongfeng Citroen C-Triomphe 执行方案 Implementation Plan 细致体验:在整个试驾过程中,凭借前期精心设计和准备的路线、任务游戏等,使得试乘试驾者可以快乐地感受我们企图推介的每一处细节 Considerate experience: in the whole process, we can make the test drivers experience every detail that we promote joyfully, resorting to the preliminary elaborate design, ready routes and assigned game. 感受品味:从签到那一刻起,我们希望试乘试驾者不仅看到高雅突出的专属展台、高规格的接待安排,更希望透过尊贵的“个性化试乘试驾助理员”服务以及随车引导系统来表现凯旋轿车的卓越品味 Taste experience: from the moment of check-in on, we hope that test drivers can see the elegant show stage and reception arrangement of high standards. Moreover, we can manifest the excellent taste of C-Triomphe through the service of “self-identity test driving assistant” and the follow-up guiding system. 目的 Purpose 试驾线路 Routes of Test Driving 试驾线路 Routes of Test Driving 线路1:短线路,滨海,曲折,有起伏。风景极美,车流较少。有利于表现车辆弯道特性 Route 1: short-distance, on the shore, twist and undulate; beautiful scenery, less vehicles; in favor of representing C-Triomphe’s bend identity 线路2:城市路线,表现车辆的舒适和安静 Route 2: city route to represent C-Triomphe’s comfort and silence 线路3:从大连去旅顺的快速路,弧度较大,可以保持档位较长时间使乘员有时间去发现车上的装备和质量。符合中国人典型驾驶习惯的路线。 突出车辆的动力性能和抓地性能 Route 3: Expressway from Dalian to Lvshun, wider radian so as to keep the same transmission longer, and further to make driver have time to experience C-Triomphe’s equipment and quality; in accordance with the Chinese typical driving habits; and better embodied the power and road-holding performances. 试乘试驾项目说明 Item Specification of Test Driving PRO.TEST 四个小组分别根据测试手册对车辆的 经济性 (Cost) 舒适实用性(ComfortPracticality ) 性能操控性(HandingPerformance) 安全可靠性(ReliabilitySafety) 四个方面分别加以测评,填写测试报告 在试驾完成的总结会上,直接组合为“专业总评(PRO.Summary )”,供媒体使用以及后期发散扩大。 经济性(Cost) 车辆价格(根据全程体验,对此车在20万左右的价格作出主观评价) 必威体育精装版科技(创新科技、超越同级科技、同级高水平科技、一般科技) 燃油经济性(瞬间最低、平均测试、每升公里数) 耐用度评估(引擎、故障预防、悬挂、内装材质)\同级比较(AUDI A4、VW PASSAT、HONDA ACCORD) 易损件维护成本(机油、机油隔、汽油隔、避震组、轮胎)\同级比较 舒适实用性(ComfortPrac


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