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. . . . Appendix I: Index to Video Examples AUs and combinations that are illustrated with MPEG video are sorted in AU order in the table below. Each video is cross-referenced to the filename of the video clip, the Manual page containing the scoring commentary, and the sequence of the clip in the continuous MPEG master video (roughly the order of appearance in the Manual and in the table of scor- ing commentaries). (The digital transfer of the original film examples does not contain the newer examples.) The video clips are in the Examples/Video directory of the CD ROM. (An identical set of video clips in QuickTime? format can be found in the Examples/Video/QT directory.) The continuous MPEG is in the Manual directory. Online viewers can click the hyperlinks in the column “Filename of Video Clip” to see the video, and the links in the “Page Number of Scoring Commentary” to see the commentary. AUs Illustrated 1 1+2 1+2+4 1+2+5 1+4 2 4 4+5 5 5+7 6 6+7 (i) 6+7 (ii) 6+7+12 6+12 (i) 6+12 (ii) 6+15 6+4E3, 7+43E  Filename of Video Clip AU1.mpg AU1_2.mpg AU1_2_4.mpg AU1_2_5.mpg AU1_4.mpg AU2.mpg AU4.mpg AU4_5.mpg AU5.mpg AU5_7.mpg AU6only.mpg AU6_7.mpg AU6.mpg AU67_12 AU6_12B.mpg AU6_12o.mpg AU6_15.mpg AU6_7_43.mpg  Page Number of Scoring Commentary page 413 page 416 page 416 page 416 page 415 page 413 page 413 page 415 page 414 page 415 page 414 page 414 page 414 page 423 page 422 page 422 page 424 page 416  Sequence in MPEG Master 2 11 12 13 10 3 1 8 4 9 - - 6 - 37 - 46 14 Facial Action Coding System 377 Index to Video Examples  7 (i) 7 (ii) 7+12 8+26 9  AU7.mpg AU7only.mpg AU7_12o.mpg AU8_26.mpg AU9.mpg  page 414 page 414 page 422 page 429 page 417  5 - - 70 15 9+16+25 AU9_16.mpg page 418 20 9+17 10 10+12+16+25 10+12+25 10+14 10+15 10+15+17 10+16+25 10+17 10+17+23 10+20+25 10+22+25 10+23+25 AU9_17.mpg AU10.mpg AU101216.mpg AU101225.mpg AU10_14.mpg AU10_15.mpg AU101517.mpg AU10_16.mpg AU10_17.mpg AU101723.mpg AU102025.mpg AU102225.mpg AU102325.mpg


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