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内 容 摘 要 随着社会主义市场经济不断发展,我国加入WTO,经济全球化的 挑战使国内家电行业感到了巨大的压力,中国家电业是市场竞争最 激烈的行业。本文通过对我国家电品牌的发展历程和行业现状的研 究,通过对家电行业存在的种种信用问题,家电信用和品牌战略之间 的相互关系的分析,提出了针对性的品牌战略与措施来改善家电行 业的信用状况。当前,品牌竞争已成为市场竞争的焦点,谁拥有卓 越的品牌,谁就拥有顾客、市场和未来。 关键词:品牌战略 家电行业 信用 I ABSTRACT With the constant development of the socialist market economy and Chinese accession to WTO, the challenges of economic globalization forced the domestic appliance industry to face the fierce competition. The Chinese household appliance industry is the markets most competitive one. This article studied the brand status and development process of Chinas home appliance industry; analysed the credibility problem existing in household appliance industry and analysed the relationship between brand strategy and credit. At last Proposed targeted brand strategy and measures to improve the credit status of household appliances. Currently, the brand competition has become the focus of market competition, the one who has excellent brand, who will own the customer, the market and the future. SKEYWORDS: brand strategy household-appliance industry credit II 目录 第一章 绪论 1 第一节 研究的背景与意义 1 第二节 研究的内容与目的 1 第二章 文献综述 3 第一节 品牌与品牌战略 3 一、关于品牌 3 二、关于品牌战略 4 第二节 关于家电行业 5 一、中国家电行业发展历程 5 二、我国家电行业存在的主要信用问题 6 第三节 家电品牌战略 6 第三章 家电行业品牌发展过程中存在的信用问题 8 第一节 家电行业现状分析 8 一、家电行业概述 8 二、当前


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