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( ) ( ) 中国水稻科学 Chi nese J R ice S ci , 2006 , 20 1 :58~64 58 ht tp :/ / www . ricescience . or g 水稻灌浆过程中籽粒淀粉合成关键酶活性与蒸煮食味品质 的关系 沈  鹏  金正勋  罗秋香  金学泳  孙艳丽 ( 东北农业大学 农学院 , 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030 ; 通讯联系人 , Email :zxj in326 @hot mail . com) Relation ship Bet ween Activit y of Key St arch Synt hetic Enzyme s During Grain Filling and Qualit y of Eating and Cooking in Rice SH EN Peng , J IN Zhengxun , L U O Qiuxiang , J IN Xueyong , SUN Yanli ( ) A g ricul t ural Col leg e , N ort heas t A g ricul t u ral Uni vers ity , H arbi n 150030 , Chi na; Corresp on di ng aut hor , Em ai l :z xj i n32 6 @hot m ai l . com Abstract : Four j aponica rice varieties wit h significant differences in qualit y of eating and cooking were investigat ed to re veal t he relation ship bet ween t he key st arch synt hetic activities during grain filling and qualit y of eating and cooking of rice . The varieties p resent ed t he differences in amylo se and amylop ectin cont ent s at t he different grain filling st ages. The differ ences were at t ribut ed to t he variou s accumulation sp eed of st arch during grain filling . The time when t he enzyme activities reached a maximum for ADPgluco se p yrop ho sp horylase ( A GPP) and soluble st arch synt hesi s ( SSS) were


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