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. . 哈利波特与密室 我不能放你出来 海德薇 I cant let you out, Hedwig. 我不能在校外使用魔法 Im not allowed to use magic outside of school. -而且 万一弗农姨夫 -哈利·波特 - Besides, if Uncle Vernon - Harry Potter! 这下可好了 Now youve done it. 他在屋里 弗农 Hes in there. Vernon? 我警告你 管不住那死鸟 我就赶走它 Im warning you, if you cant control that bloody bird, itll have to go. 她憋坏了 But shes bored. 哪怕放她出来一两个小时也行 If I could only let her out for an hour or two. 帮你和你的怪胎朋友通信吗 别想了 So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir. 可是根本没人和我联系 But I havent had any messages from any of my friends. 一个都没有 Not one 整个暑假都是 all summer. 谁愿意做你的朋友 Who would want to be friends with you? 我觉得你应该知恩图报 I should think youd be a little more grateful. 我们把你从小拉扯大 Weve raised you since you were a baby, 供你吃穿 given you the food off our table 而且看你可怜 even let you have Dudleys second bedroom 还把达力的次卧给你 purely out of the goodness of our hearts. 别急 小宝贝 还得等梅森先生 Not now, pumpkin. Its for when the Masons arrive. 他们随时会到 Which should be any minute. 再来彩排一遍 好吗 Now, lets go over our schedule once again, shall we? 佩尼 梅森夫妇来的时候 你应该在 Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be? 客厅 亲切迎接他们的到来 In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home. 很好 达力 那你呢 Good. And, Dudley, you will be...? 在门前 等着开门 Ill be waiting to open the door. 非常好 Excellent. 你呢 And you? 我待在卧室 Ill be in my bedroom, 一声不吭 假装不存在 making no noise and pretending that I dont exist. 算你聪明 Too right, you will. 这次要是谈成 我的事业就更上一层楼了 With any luck, this could be the day I make the biggest deal of my career... 你可不许给我添乱 and you will not mess it up. 哈利·波特 真是太荣幸了 Harry Potter, such an honor it is. -你是谁 -多比 先生 家养小精灵多比 - Who are you? - Dobby, sir. Dobby the house-elf. 我无意冒犯 Not to be rude or anything 但是你来的可真不是时候 but this isnt a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom. 是的 先生 多比完全理解 Yes, sir. Dobby understands. 只是多比必须要告诉你 Its just that Dobby has come to tell you 很难启齿 先生 多比不知道从何说起 It is difficult, sir. Dobby wonders where to begin. -你先坐下来吧 -坐下来 要我坐 - Why dont you


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