商务英语函电课件答案 李蕾ISBN 9787566301185 PPT wordUnit 6 Ordering.ppt

商务英语函电课件答案 李蕾ISBN 9787566301185 PPT wordUnit 6 Ordering.ppt

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3. available adj. able to be obtained or supplied可得到的;可提供的 There is no available steamer/no teamer available for your port this month. 本月尚无船只驶往你港。 BP is likely to offer the US president a concession by promising to suspend payment of its dividend to ensure it has the cash available to meet all legitimate compensation claims. 英国石油可能会对美国总统做出让步,承诺推迟支付股息,以确保公司拥有充足现金,能够满足一切正当的索赔要求。 Part Three: Sample Letters (5) Study of Useful Words Phrases 1. leading adj. having the leading position领先的;greatest in importance主要的 Policy responses to economic crisis must come from leading nations. 金融危机的应对政策必须来自领先国家。 Usually big countries harbor the leading thinkers and public debates, but small countries tend to implement more important policy reforms. 大国往往拥有一流的思想家和公共辩论,而小国却易于实施更重要的政策改革。 2. popularity n. the quality of being widely admired or accepted普及;流行;名气;受欢迎 But as India sorts out its problems and as China grows into an ever bigger market, South-East Asia needs to integrate its own markets or see its newly found popularity among manufacturers slowly fade. 但是随着印度日渐解决自己的问题,中国不断成长为更大的市场,东南亚就需要整合自己的市场,否则就只能眼睁睁看着刚刚在制造商中建立起来的声望慢慢消失。 be popular 畅销= enjoy/have/meet a ready market; sell well Enclosed is our catalogue of the new-typed bikes, which, we believe, will enjoy a ready market at your end. 随函附上我方新型自行车目录,相信定会在你地畅销。 to popularize 宣传;推广 In order to popularize these products,all the catalogue prices are subject to a special discount of 10 70 during the month of February only. 为了推销此产品起见,对于目录上所列的价格,凡在2月份内订货,均可享有10%的特别折扣。 Unit Six Ordering Part One: Teaching Aims Requirements 1. Help students to learn and master key words, phrases and sentence patterns about ordering; 2. Help students to learn how to write a business letter about ordering; 3. Help students to be able to place, decline and accept orders in writing; 4. Enable students to know about what a shipping mark is. Part Two: Background Knowledge I. Definition of an order Order is a commercial document used to request someone


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