商务英语口语课件丁晶 王淙ISBN 9787566307576 PTTunit 8.ppt

商务英语口语课件丁晶 王淙ISBN 9787566307576 PTTunit 8.ppt

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Situation: Mr. Ray is talking with Mr. Wang about cargo transport insurance for the vases. You are: Mr. Ray, an American businessperson. You need to: Enquire about the insurance coverage of the deal. Ask for the clarification between F.P.A. and W.P.A. Ask for insurance against W.P.A. and cover the Risk of Breakage. Enquire about the insurance company involved. Express confidence in PICC. You start the conversation. You are: Mr. Wang, sales manager of a Chinese company. You need to: Introduce the basic coverage under insurance clauses. Clarify the differences between F.P.A. and W.P.A. Agree to his/her request on insurance coverage but charge extra fees. Suggest PICC as the underwriter. Express hope for more business. Your partner will start the conversation. 4. [BEC2题型] Collaborative Task and Discussion Your company wants to enquire about insurance arrangements. Talk together for about 2 minutes about the possible factors and influences in detail and decide which three would be the most important factors. Here are some hints to help you. ◆ Different risks ◆ Cooperation ◆ Extra premium ◆ Co-insurance clauses ◆ Insurance rate ◆ Liability Use the chart below to evaluate your training effect. Training Evaluation Chart for Tasks ◆ Total= Self- Evaluation×40%+Partner’s Evaluation×30%+Teacher’s Evaluation×30% Evaluation Content Evaluation Party Pronunciation (20 points) Intonation (20 points) Fluency (20 points) Accuracy (20 points) Theme Correlation (20 points) Subtotal Self-Evaluation Partner’s Evaluation Teacher’s Evaluation Total Part 7 Notes 1. inconvenience [?ink?n?vi:ni?ns] n. 麻烦;不方便 2. long delay phr. n. 长期延误 3. compel [k?m?pel] vt. 强迫,迫使 4. stipulation [?stipju?lei??n] n. 规定,约定 5. in accordance with phr. prep. 按照 6. cancel?[?k?ns?l] vt. 取消,废除 7. precaution [pri?k?:??n] n. 预防措施或方法;防备,警惕 8. dampness [?d?mp.n?s] n. 潮湿 9. in transit phr. prep. 在运输中 10. the above mentioned goods phr. n



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