商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTUnit05.ppt

商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTUnit05.ppt

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Unit Five Market Research 市场调查 Part One Warm-up: 1. You are going to do a market research, and the respondent may not be willing to answer your questions. What would you do? Discuss this topic with your partners. Reference Answer (1) You may tell her/him that you would keep her/his answers secret. (2) You may tell her/him the significance of her/his answers. (3) You may tell her/him that she/he will get a gift from you after the questionnaire. Key Word(s): Have you done any research ? Have you done any marketing research? 你做过任何市场调查吗? Have you done any market research or report? 你做过市场调研或是报告之类的吗? What about the market? Have you done any analysis? 市场前景怎样?做过市场调查吗? Key Word(s): market profile 市场状况 Hows the market? 市场状况如何? Do you have any idea how textile markets are going nowadays? 你知道目前的纺织市场状况如何? Can you describe the toy market of Austria? 你能说明奥地利的玩具市场状况吗? Is a true reflection of the objective situation of the market? 是否真实地反映了市场的客观状况? Key Word(s):Respondents 调查对象 You might want to survey the local high school students to find out their preference. Recently, we have had a survey about students after-class activities. 最近,我们对中学生的课余活动做了调查。 Key Word(s):find out the causes and reasons (通过市场调查找出原因) Find out if your type of product is in demand and why.看一下你的商品类别有没有市场需求,原因为何。 If a client is flexible on price and approves of the quality of your product yet demands an early shipping time, you must try to find out why the shipping time is important to him.如果一个客户在价格上很弹性,也同意你产品的品质,但却要求要提早出货,你就必须试著去找出为何出货时间对他来说很重要。 Key Word(s):focus Our research should focus on the middle-aged (people). 我们的调研应该针对中年人。 Our research should focus on the children. 我们的调研应该针对儿童。 The market research focus on purchase which is the key point of supermarket.这项市场调查针对超市运营中最关键的采购工作进行研究。 Key Word(s): It turns out that... 结果显示…… What are the Market Research findings? 市场调研的调查结果是什么? It turns out that our product quality and after-sales service have won high praise from users.结果显示无论是产品质量还是售后服务,都得到了用户的高度


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