商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTUnit07.ppt

商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTUnit07.ppt

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Unit Seven Product Introduction 产品介绍 Part One Warm-up: (1) You are selling the laptops in the shopping center, how do you talk the customers over to buy yours? Discuss the topic with your partners. Reference Answers You may introduce their advantages over the similar products of other companies. Key Word(s):durable This model of typewriter is efficient, economical, and durable. 这个型号的打字机高效,经济,耐用。 Aluminum fans make the motor more efficient and durable with lower noise.铝风叶的运用使电器功效更高,噪音更低,更耐久。 This model of typewriter is more efficient, requires less maintenance and adjustment, and its more durable.这个型号的打字机更有效率,更需要较少的维修和调整,它的更耐用。 Key Word(s):portable The material is soft and easy to fold. it is convenient to use at home and take when traveling.本产品材质轻柔可折叠,居家旅行均可使用,携带方便。 It means more than portability. 这不只是携带方便。 Key Word(s):high quality 质量上乘 Our products are of high quality.我们的产品质量高。 In fact, all of them are of high quality.实际上,它们的质量都很好。 Stopwatches made in Shanghai are of high quality.上海生产的秒表质量高。 Our products are always of high quality, you know.你知道我们的产品一直是优质的。 Key Word(s): energy saving/ energy conservation Lighter, fuel-efficient and low-carbon vehicles are in vogue. 更轻小,节能和低碳汽车正大受欢迎。 It is now among the worlds leading suppliers of energy-efficient processors. 它现在已跻身全球节能处理器领先供应商的行列。 These products save energy and reduce the cost, increase resource utilization rate and reduce waste. 节能降耗,提高资源和能源利用率;减少污染物排放。 Key Word(s):be environmentally friendly 环保的;环境友好的 All the products reach high standard concerning product quality and environmental protection. 产品均达到产品质量高标准及产品环保质量高标准。 Buy from companies with eco-friendly policies; boycott those without. 买那些注重环保的公司的产品,抵制不环保公司的产品。 It is expertly designed, environmentally friendly, lightweight, and simple to operate. 产品外观设计小巧精美,绿色环保,使用方便,便于携带。 Key Word(s): simplicity of operation操作简单 It is simple to operate and maintain.其操作和维修都很简单。 It is much easier to handle, and is also vastly cheaper. 这一产品操作起来却简单的多,价格也大为低廉。 All these mea



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