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pandas 别 名 大猫熊、竹熊、花熊英文名 giant panda大熊猫科 Ailuropodidae分 布 四川、陕西、甘肃局部地区国家一级保护动物性情温顺、姿容可掬、行动逗人喜爱的大熊猫是人们最喜爱的野生动物园之一,现已被世界野生生物基金会选用作会徽。其体长120~180厘米,尾长10~20厘米,尾长10~20厘米,体重60~110千克。头圆而大,前掌除了5个带爪的趾外,还有一个第六圆而大,前掌除了5个带爪的量趾外,还有一个第六趾。躯干和尾白色,两耳、眼周、四肢和肩胛部全是黑色,腹部淡棕色或灰黑色。栖息于海拔2000~3000米的落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和亚高山针叶林带的山地竹林内。无固定巢穴,边走边吃,喜单独活动,四处悠荡。常在大树下或竹林内卧睡。视觉较差,行动锾慢,但能快速而灵活地爬上高大的树木,并能泅渡湍流的河溪。主要以竹类的竹笋、竹叶为食,偶尔也捕食小动物。发情期为每年4~5月份,也有秋季交配的,每胎1仔,偶见2仔。距今几十万年前是大熊猫的极盛时期,曾广泛分布于中国东部,后来同期的动物相继灭绝,大熊猫却孑遗至今,并保持原有的古老特征,因而被誉为活化石。如今大熊猫分布范围已十分狭窄,仅限于中国的秦岭南坡、岷山、邛崃山、大小相岭和凉山局部地区。目前,我国政府已采取了一系列有效措施,以便更好地保护这一濒临灭绝的活化石。大熊猫的存亡,早已为世人所关注。今后为保护和繁殖大熊猫,还需要继续做大量巨的工作。 2a-2e Talk about pandas in your class. Use these words to help you big bamboo zoo popular cute black and white Sichuan famous endangered beautiful forest protect 2a Scan the article to find out what these numbers mean: 10,12, 200,2,000. Scanning This means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information. 2b It is 8:30 a.m. at the Chengdu Research Base. Lin Wei and the other panda keepers are preparing the milk for the baby pandas’ breakfast. At 9:00 a.m., they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry. When the babies see the keepers, they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over! “They’re so cute and lovely. I take care of them like they’re my own babies. I wash, feed and play with them every day. They’re very special to me.” Lin Wei loves her job, but it is a difficult one. Pandas do not have many babies, maybe only one every two years. The babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo. Many years ago, there were a lot more bamboo forests and pandas in China, but then humans started to cut down the forests. Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the remaining forests. A