商务英语阅读下册课件第二版国晓立 周树玲ISBN 97875663020unit 12.ppt

商务英语阅读下册课件第二版国晓立 周树玲ISBN 97875663020unit 12.ppt

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Unit Twelve Teaching Objectives 了解跨文化交际的不同类型 了解如何消除跨文化交际的障碍 了解如何实现有效的跨文化交际 Teaching Emphases cross-cultural Communication communication styles custom barriers of Intercultural Communication Christmas celebrations Content Text Fast Reading I Fast Reading II TEXT Cross-cultural Communication Pre-reading questions 1.How many patterns of cultural difference do you know? 2. What general principles should we insist on when conducting business with people of different cultures? Language points overcome ----- v. to defeat (another) in competition or conflict; conquer. 战胜:在比赛或争斗中击败(他人);征服 e.g. In the final game Sweden easily overcame France. 在决赛中,瑞典队轻松战胜了法国队。 --- to prevail over; surmount: 胜过,克服,越过: e.g. tried to overcome the obstacles of poverty. 尽量克服贫穷的障碍 Language points aggressive ----- a. inclined to behave in a hostile fashion 侵犯的;挑衅的:倾向于敌对行为的 e.g. As a teenager John was aggressive and moody. 约翰十多岁时好斗暴躁 ----- assertive, bold, and enterprising: 积极的, 过分自信的、大胆的和积极进取的 e.g. an aggressive young executive. 一个进取心很强的年轻管理人员 Language points embrace ----- v. to surround; enclose 包围;包含: e.g. We allowed the warm water to embrace us. 我们让温水包围我们 ---- to include as part of something 包含,包括: e.g. The talks embraced a wide range of issues. 这些谈话涉及的话题非常广泛。 Language points non-verbal communication verbal --- a. of, relating to, or associated with words: 用言辞的,用文字的:属于、关于或涉及言辞的: e.g. a verbal picture. 文字描述 non-verbal --- a. being other than verbal: 无需语言的 e.g. non-verbal communication 无需语言的交流 Language points refer to ----- to mention or speak about 提到,谈及,说起 e.g. I promised not to refer to the matter again. 我答应过再也不提这件事了。 ----- to describe or be connected to 描述,设计,与…有关 e.g. This paragraph refers to the events of last year. 这一段说的是去年发生的事。 Language points embarrassing ---- a. making you feel shy, ashamed or awkward 使人害羞的(或惭愧的,难堪的) e.g. an embarrassing mistake



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