实用外事接待英语口语课件肖文萍 ISBN9787811346701 PPTlesson 10.ppt

实用外事接待英语口语课件肖文萍 ISBN9787811346701 PPTlesson 10.ppt

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Lesson 10 Visiting the Temple of Heaven Spoken English of Foreign Affairs Objectives Know what you should do and cannot do when taking foreign guests sightseeing; Know how to take the guests to visit the Temple of Heaven------ the route. Learn how to introduce the cultural information in English of the Temple of Heaven, including the Circular Mound Alter, the Imperial Vault of Heaven and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest Historical site: a place which bears historical significance Worship and pray: Harvest: gathering in of crops Axis: an imaginary line which divides something in half, a straight central part in a structure to which other parts are connected. Square, round The Circular Mound Altar Center-of-Heaven Stone Heavenly Center Stone Legend: story that has been handed down over generations Tile: something used to cover or decorate the roof or outside of a building Multiple: 18 and 27 are multiples of 9. The Imperial Vault of Heaven Tablet, stele: The Echo Wall Red Stairway Bridge/sacred way The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest The Imperial Vault of Heaven It is used for storing the tablet of god of heaven,which was taken to the Alter on the occasion of ceremonies. Inside the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest Triple: three times as much Cone-shaped Eave: lower edge of a roof Gilded: covered with a thin layer of gold Emperor and empress: the king and his wife Winter solstice: shortest day of the year Pillar: narrow columns to support Magnificent: splendid, glorious Glimpse: a brief view Useful Expressions Here we are at … It was the place where … Have you noticed … Do you notice that … Notice the … This is a typical Chinese architecture. … represents… …symbolize … … stand for … * the tablet represe-nting heaven was placed right there. Notice the pillars.The four of them in the center symbolize the four seasons;the twelve pillars surrounding them symbolize the twelve months of the yeay



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