商务英语听说第一册课件李玉萍 ISBN9787811344035 PPTProgramme 8.ppt

商务英语听说第一册课件李玉萍 ISBN9787811344035 PPTProgramme 8.ppt

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Programme 8 Signing a Contract Objectives: ● Learn how to sign a contract; ● Know the procedures of signing a contract; ● Practice listening for specific information; ● Practice communicating with business partners. Skills: ● Communicate foreign business partners with appropriate language and manners. Words and phrases 1. execution n. 执行,履行,完成 2. transaction n. 交易 3. terminology n. 专用名词,术语 4. international practice 国际惯例 5. written agreement 书面协议,书面契约 6. stipulate vt. 规定 Words and phrases 7. interest and benefit 权益和利益 8. dispute n. 争端 9. fall back on 依靠,求助于 10.purchase contract 购货合同 11.sales contract 销售合同 12.come into effect 实施,生效 Words and phrases 13.provision n. 条款 14.conform to 遵照,遵守 15.previously adv. 预先地 16.precisely adv. 明确地 17.grade n. 品位,等级 18.commodity inspection 商品检验,商检 19.claim n. 索赔 Brief Introduction In international business, in the execution of transaction, misunderstandings often occur due to differences in terminology and work procedures. According to international practices, once the business is concluded, a contract is always needed because the parties concerned must make sure that the two sides have the same understanding of what has been reached. Brief Introduction Then what is a contract? A contract is a written agreement between the seller and the buyer in which their rights and obligations are stipulated, and in which their interests and benefits are protected. In the event of a dispute, both parts will have the contract to fall back on. Brief Introduction A contract may be prepared by the seller or the buyer. The contract prepared by the buyer is a purchase contract whereas the contract prepared by the seller is a sales contract. Whichever party prepares the contract, it will be cheched and recheched by other party to make sure that everything is correct before it is signed by both parties and comes into effect. Brief Introduction Preparing a contract is serious and carefull work. Contract provisions must conform t


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