大学核心商务英语读写教程1课件颜晓川 马瑞香ISBN 9787811348804 PPT u4 A.ppt

大学核心商务英语读写教程1课件颜晓川 马瑞香ISBN 9787811348804 PPT u4 A.ppt

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* C C B E R W College Core Business English * TEXT A Tough Negotiator Takes Control Background Information 1 Introduction to the Text 2 Business Terms 3 Words and Expressions 4 Notes to the Text 5 Contents Negotiation Technique What makes a good negotiator? ▲ High Observation Skills ▲ Planning and Organizing ▲ Able to move blockage ▲ Develop rapport and equality ▲ Flexible Attitude ▲ Creativity Background Information Six Stages of Negotiation ▲Preparation ▲Discussion for Information Gathering ▲Regroup ▲Negotiating for Resolution ▲Reaching Consensus ▲Close Background Information Theme The author relates a story telling how a tough negotiator controls the negotiation by arranging favorable time, place, team members, emotional tone of the meeting, denying all the preliminary work of the “opponent” and his own authority. Introduction to the Text 文体特征分析 本商务语篇为叙事文体。作者以第一人称叙述了自己曾经经历过的一次最艰难的谈判,从而使读者如身临其境般体验了商务谈判中所需要的谈判技巧。全文从整体结构上分为四大部分。作者首先从细节方面介绍了Dr. Park的强悍谈判作风。然后通过安排对己方有利的时间和地点,Dr. Park进一步在谈判中延续了他的主导风格。在文章的第三部分, 在谈判接近尾声的时候,Dr. Park又提出更为严峻而且让对方始料不及的问题。在全文结尾。 “我们”已经意识到这次谈判将无功而返。事实上,Dr. Park 早就预料到对手对于此次谈判的期望。Dr. Park.正是因为准确掌握了对手的这种急于达成结果的心理,Dr. Park才从一开始就掌握了谈判的主动权。而知己知彼,百战不殆这一谈判中的黄金法则在本文中也得到了鲜明的验证。 Introduction to the Text 记叙文写作要素: 叙述的人称:以复数第一人称和第三人称交替叙述谈判的详细内容。 叙述的内容:when, where, what, who and why / how 叙述的方法:顺叙 Introduction to the Text Structure of the text PART I The First Paragraph—introduction to the story PART II Para. 2-4 —arrangement of time, place and members PART III Para. 5-9 —Dr. Park’s performance during the negotiation PART II Para. 10-12 —fruitless meeting Introduction to the Text real estate 房地产 anteroom 接待室 emotional tone of the meeting 会场气氛 Initial pleasantry 客套话 preliminary work前期准备工作 Business Terms bargain for: 讨价还价 to give notice: 通知 a letter of intent: 意向书 conclude a final agreement: 达成共识 two tactical gains with a single ploy: 一石二鸟 substantive progress: 实质性进展 Business Terms how do you write a letter of intent? ? Determ



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