国际商务英语口语实训课件朱扬琼 ISBN9787566305176电子教案Eight.ppt

国际商务英语口语实训课件朱扬琼 ISBN9787566305176电子教案Eight.ppt

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Complaints and Claims [ Aim] To write letters complaining about disagreement with the contract, claiming for losses arising therefrom and settling or declining claims. [ Main Difficult Points] ■ How to make complaints and claims ■ How to settle or decline claims 导入 我某出口公司以CFR条件对德国出口一批小五金工具.合同规定货到目的港后30天内检验;买方有权凭检验结果提出索赔.我出口公司按期发货,德国客户也按期凭单支付了货款.可半年后, 我出口公司收到德国客户的索赔文件,称上述小五金工具有70%已锈损,并附有德国某内地检验机构出局的检验证书. 启示 出口贸易合同除了订立有关商品的交易条件外,还要考虑到如买卖双方发生纠时,如何解决。为了便于双方顺利履行合同,贸易双方在签约时通常订立商品的检验条款、索赔条款(包括索赔期限)、仲裁条款和不可抗力条款。 面对上述索赔时,要基于实际调查验证,冷静积极应对. Brief Introduction In international business activities, during executing a contract, the two parties always work carefully, but Complaints and Claims from customer, disputes between buyer and seller may arise. Channels of settlement ■ Friendly negotiation ■ Arbitration ■ By law Two Kinds of Complaints and Claims The genuine complaint and claims refusal of making delivery, shipment overdue, goods wrongly delivered, goods arrived damaged or late, Problem on quality, quantity, packing, etc. prices wrongly charged The false complaint and claims, i.e. excuse to escape from performance of contracts The buyer do not want the goods or they can get similar goods at lower price … [Aim] To make claim and write a letter for Claiming on inferior quality/damage goods /short delivery [Main Difficult Points] The writing process of claiming letter for inferior quality quality/damage goods /short delivery Content ■ Brief introduction ■ Language points ■ Useful sentences ■ Summary of the letter ■ Summary of business ■ Writing skills ■ Training in class ■ Homework Brief Introduction After getting the shipment, the buyer always checks: -- the condition of the goods -- quantity -- quality Any above problem may cause claim. Notice for claim making: --


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