商务英语综合教程第三册课件曹瑞明主编 ISBN9787566304865 PPTUnit 5 Internet Banking.ppt

商务英语综合教程第三册课件曹瑞明主编 ISBN9787566304865 PPTUnit 5 Internet Banking.ppt

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Unit 5 Internet Banking (5) (2) Of course it is. We humans associate smiling with happiness, and if we associate with happy people, we can become happier as well. 当然可以,因为我们人类总把微笑和快乐联系起来,所以,如果我们和快乐的人呆在一块,我们也会变得快乐。 (3) All of this we can associate with the pleasure principle. 这些我们都可以和快乐原则联系起来。 (4)Never associate with bad companions. 别和坏人结交。 Unit 5 Internet Banking (6) 2. Apart from it, people can also do financial transactions using Internet banking on their cellular phones. 除此之外,人们也可以通过手机进行网上银行金融交易。 apart from 且不说 除…之外 (1) Apart from this teams should start looking for a purpose in what they are doing. 除此之外,团队应该开始为自己的工作寻求一个更远大的目标。 Unit 5 Internet Banking (7) (2) Apart from small deposits, should we, in a crisis situation like this, consider extending guarantees to the money markets and mutual funds? 除此之外,在一场这样的危机形势中,我们应该考虑扩大对货币市场和共同基金的担保吗? (3) Apart from the value of the findings, recommendations, and conclusions you have been discussing today, I believe the report embodies great wisdom. 除了你们今天讨论的结果、建议和结论存有价值之外,我认为该报告凝聚着很大的智慧。 Unit 5 Internet Banking (8) 3. Nowadays, you can transfer funds from one account to another within a few minutes. You can easily carry out stock trading, exchanging bonds and other investments with the help of Internet banking. All these features have made Internet banking ideal for people who make a number of financial transactions each day. 如今,你可以在几分钟内从一个账户转账到另一个账户。通过网上银行,你可以轻松地进行股票、债券交易和其他投资,这些特点对那些每天需办理多笔金融交易的人尤为理想。 Unit 5 Internet Banking (9) carry out 执行 实行 完成 实现 贯彻 (1) You must carry out my orders. 你必须执行我的命令。 (2) They will carry out this experimentation, regardless of what happen. 不管发生什么,他们都将完成这个实验。 (3) Seeing that he could not carry out his plan, he flung up his cards. 他看到不能实现自己的计划,就撒手不管了。 Unit 5 Internet Banking (10) with the help of 在…的帮助下 (1) With the help of the telephone, people can keep in touch with anyone at any time and in any place for urgent help. 有了电话帮助,人们可以随时随地和任何人联系,寻求紧急帮助。 在这种情况



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