商务英语课件谢毅斌 ISBN9787811342208 PDFeng451j_ja_14.pdfVIP

商务英语课件谢毅斌 ISBN9787811342208 PDFeng451j_ja_14.pdf

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《商务英语》 授课教案 Chapter 14 MARKET SELECTION Objectives A. To help the students to gain insight into the importance and necessity of market selection B. To know better the different ways and procedures in carrying out the market selection C. To learn relevant expressions and language structure Introduction There is such a saying as “what a man should fear is to take a wrong trade, and what a woman should fear is to marry a wrong man”. Then what should we be wary of most when we attempt to develop our overseas markets? And how should we try to avoid the unnecessary losses during our market selection? 俗话说:“男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎”。那么我们这些做国际贸易的要想开拓海外市场,最怕的应该是什么呢? 这个不用细说,恐怕大家也能猜个八九不离十:把钱投在了不应该投的地方,或者把货物运到根本没有市场没 有销路的国家或地区。本课要谈的就是如何尽量避免这种不必要的损失,以及怎样在市场选择中确保我们利益 的最大化。 Main points of the text A. 1. We must be selective and concentrate our marketing efforts on the markets which will yield the best results B. 1. We must try to identify, at minimum cost, the markets on which we should concentrate our research efforts C. 1. Process of market selection: search for gold D. 1. Process of market selection for export product E. 1. The best initial indicator: product being presently imported or not 2. National data: governmental organizations 3. International data: UNCYAD and OECD F. 1. Tips and precautions for market selection 2. To concentrate on one or two markets to start with 3. Try to break down difficulties into practical problems 1 《商务英语》 授课教案 4. To keep within the capacity 5. To make certain at the star


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