商务英语综合教程第三册课件曹瑞明主编 ISBN9787566304865 PPTUnit 10 Research on Consumption.ppt

商务英语综合教程第三册课件曹瑞明主编 ISBN9787566304865 PPTUnit 10 Research on Consumption.ppt

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Unit 10 Research on Consumption (4) 2. jelly bean: A small bean-shaped type of confectionery with a hard candy shell and a gummy interior which come in a wide variety of flavors. The confection is primarily made of sugar. 一种胶质软糖 3. obesity: Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and mammals, is increased to a point where it is a risk factor for certain health conditions or increased mortality. Unit 10 Research on Consumption (5) Obesity develops from the interaction of individual biology and the environment. Excessive body weight has been shown to correlate with various diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. Obesity is both an individual clinical condition and is increasingly viewed as a serious public health problem. 肥胖 4. hors d’oeuvre: 法正菜前的开胃小菜 Unit 10 Research on Consumption (7) from top to bottom 完完全全,从头到脚 (1)For days the staff were searched as they left work, and two detectives searched the hotel from top to bottom, but the ring was never found. 一连几天,员工下班时都被搜身,两个侦探还把酒店搜了个底朝天,却一直没找到这枚钻戒。 (2)The United States bosses the whole organization from top to bottom. 美国从头到尾控制着这整个组织。 (3)This isn’t the time to clean your entire home from top to bottom. 这么短时间是不够让你把整个家从里到外打彻底扫完的。 Unit 10 Research on Consumption (8) 2.But when Kahn and Wansink offered subjects just six jelly bean flavors, they ate significantly more of the scrambled assortment. “That’s what we mean by perceived variety. It’s related to the number, but it’s also a function of how the assortment is displayed. When a smaller variety of colors is scrambled, it looks like there’s a lot more variety than there is. When there appears to be more variety, it seems to make sense to take more,” Kahn says. 但是,当康和万辛克只提供六种果冻口味时,他们吃拼盘果冻的数量明显多于分类明确的数量。“这也就是我们所谓的知觉品种。它与数量有关,但也与分类如何陈列有关。当少量品种的不同颜色混杂在一起的时候,表面上看起来的品种要比实际的多。品种越多,拿的也越多似乎是有道理的,”康说。 Unit 10 Research on Consumption (9) be related



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