商务英语综合教程第四册课件袁宏智 ISBN9787566304872 PPTUnit 10 Corporate Culture.pptx

商务英语综合教程第四册课件袁宏智 ISBN9787566304872 PPTUnit 10 Corporate Culture.pptx

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Unit 10 Corporate Culture ;;Warm-up Activities;II. Group work Work in small groups, discussing how an effective corporate culture affects employees’ behavior. III.Think about and then make a list of components of corporate culture you know, for example, rules and policies, goals, reward, communications...;Background Information ;;; Notes of Text 1. self-proclaimed business guru: proclaimed to be business expert by themselves 自称经济专家 2. mission statement: a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual???(公司、组织等的)宗旨;(个人的)目标 3. errand boy: a boy employed in a shop or office to make deliveries and run other errands 供差遣的人,跑腿的人;Text analysis;;Text analysis;;;;Text analysis;;Text analysis;;;Text analysis;;Exercise: I. Answer the following questions according to the text:;;;Word Practice Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word has been supplied for you.;6. She is a c________ of mine. 7. The results have been encouraging enough to m________ further investigation. 8. The banquet was p________ with an atmosphere of friendship. 9. A product manager is responsible for product p________. 10. He has been r________ as a freelance.;;4. His prompt action ________ the fire ________ spreading. 5. All we need is some creativity ________ plenty of time and practice. 6. We should exert more efforts ________ public welfare. 7. The organization is ________ for more people. 8. He will never ________ them for mercy. 9. This meeting and the entire arrangement ________ be confidential. 10. If you have any ideas or thoughts about this, please ________ us via email or our discussion board!;Translation Translate the following sentences into English: ;V. Reading comprehension Read the text carefully, and choose the best answer.;;Writing A Complaint Letter Complaint is a statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable or that someone has done something wrong. In our daily life, complaints take place n



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