英美概况课件PPT测试题及课后练习答案PDF 刘白玉封丽丽主编 978 7 81134 751 7 美国部分Chapter 6.ppt

英美概况课件PPT测试题及课后练习答案PDF 刘白玉封丽丽主编 978 7 81134 751 7 美国部分Chapter 6.ppt

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Chapter 6 Culture and Education USA Part Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life. --Chinese Proverb 授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。 --中国谚语 New words demographics: n. 人口统计数据 —China’s economic boom and shifting demographics around the region meant a steady climb in energy, food, and raw material prices. individualism: n. a belief in the importance of the individual and the virtue of self-reliance and personal independence 个人主义 —The shift toward individualism among Japanese is most pronounced among the very young. New words secular: adj. concerning those not members of the clergy世俗的 —The general history tendency of Christian music is becoming to the secular. consolidate: v. 巩固 —The army consolidated the position which they had captured. mandatory:adj. 命令的,强制性的 —Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory. New words mental retardation: 智力迟钝;智能缺陷(等于mental deficiency) —And for some reason, musical genius often seems to accompany blindness and mental retardation, as it does for Lemke. impairment:n. 损伤(毁损) —She did not have any evidence of hearing impairment. decentralized:adj. 分散的 —The balance between centralized and decentralized decision making is sometimes delicate. American culture Faith Cuisine Fashion National Holidays Media Faith Individual Freedom and Self-reliance Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. Equality of Opportunity and Competition All people have been “created equal”. Material Wealth and Hard Work Material wealth is the most widely accepted measure of social status in the United States. Cuisine Fashion National Holidays New Year’s Day January 1 President‘s Day 华盛顿诞辰日 Third Monday in February Memorial Day 阵亡将士纪念日 Last Monday in May Independence Day 独立日 July 4 Labor Day


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