国际商务英语综合教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811341737 PPTchapter 11.ppt

国际商务英语综合教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811341737 PPTchapter 11.ppt

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Chapter 11 International Payments   and Settlements 国际支付与结算 Ⅰ. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms (专业术语) 1. amendment—修改 2. barter—易货,物物交换 3. bearer—持票人 4. corresponded bank—代理行 5. discounting— 贴现 6. endorse—背书 7. hard currency—硬通货 8. maturity—到期 9. recourse—追索权 10. reimbursement—偿付 11. reinsure—分保,再保险 12. renew—展期,续约,更新 13. retire—赎回票据 14. settlement—结算 15. soft currency—软通货 16. solvency—偿债能力 17. tender—投标 18. tenor—票据期限 19. term—期限 20. terms—条件,条款 21. without recourse—无追索权 22. witch recourse—有追索权 23. vostro account — 来账 24. nostro account — 往账 Ⅱ.Language Points (语言要点) (Teachers should note that here we only give you some of the language points, you may add some by yourself.) 1. International payments and settlements are a financial activity conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contacts among them. 国际支付与结算是各个国家之间进行的一项金融活动,它涉及一个国家向另一个国家支付款项或转移资金,以结清、了结、清偿各国在政治、经济、文化往来过程中所产生的欠账、债务、债权等。 1) 本句是一个结构比较简单的主从复合句,在主句的主谓  结构是:International payments and settlements are a financial activity… (国际支付与结算是一项金融活动。) 2) 过去分词短语conducted among different countries作后置定语修饰activity各国之间进行的(一项金融活动)。conducted 此处译为“进行的”或“执行的”。 3) In which 引导的是定语从句,其意为:它涉及一个国家向另一个国家支付款项和转移资金。 4) in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. 以清偿(各国的)欠账、债务、债权等 5) emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contracts among them. 过去分词短语作后置定语,其意为:各国在政治、经济、文化往来的过程中所产生的(欠债、债务和债权)。 2. A credit instrument is a written or printed paper by means of which funds are transferred from one person to another. 信用工具是可凭以将资金从某人转移至他人的一张书写的或印好的票据。 1) 本句是一个简单的主从复合句。主句的主谓结构是A credit instruments is a written or printed paper.(信用工具是一张书写的和印好的票据)instrument意为票据工具。 2) by means of which引出的是定语从句,修饰paper,意为:凭着这一票据,采用这种手段。 3) funds are transferred from one person to another.定语从句的主要部分,意为:(凭以将资金从某人转至他人(的票据


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