英美国家概况英文版课件林琳 ISBN9787566307774 PPTchapter 1.ppt

英美国家概况英文版课件林琳 ISBN9787566307774 PPTchapter 1.ppt

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* Invader Contribution Iberians ? Celts Gaels Scottish and Irish race and culture Britons Welsh race and culture Romans Latin alphabet and civilization Anglo-Saxons English race and language Danes Some peculiarities of dialect in North and East England Normans (French-speaking) Final unification of England. Great administrative progress. English civilization permanently linked to France rather than to Scandinavia. Foundation of aristocracy. The People * England and Wales Publish England and Scotland Kingdom of Great Britain United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1543 1606 1707 1801 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1921 * The story of making the UK 1) England and Wales 1543---England and Wales were united as one country. Since then, Wales was recognized as a principality and ruled directly by “prince of Wales”, who was the eldest son of English king 2) England and Scotland 1603 –kingdom England and kingdom Scotland shared the same king. King James VI of Scotland became also James I of England 1606 --Scots were officially called English citizens. * 3) Kingdom of Great Britain 1707--the Act of Union: Scotland became part of the new country 4) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1801-- a second Act of Union: kingdom Ireland became part of the new country 5) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1921--southern Ireland became an independent country: the Republic of Ireland A Survey of the UK the USA Contents Chapter 5 6 Chapter 1 2 Chapter 9 10 Chapter 7 8 Chapter 3 4 Chapter 11 12 Chapter 1: The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland * The location of UK The mountains and rivers of UK The weather of UK English -language The British people identify the different parts of UK explain how the geography influences people’s life describe the location of UK Influence on the lan


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