大学外贸英语第三版课件陈庆柏 ISBN9787811347548chapter 11.pptVIP

大学外贸英语第三版课件陈庆柏 ISBN9787811347548chapter 11.ppt

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Chapter 11 The Balance of Payments 国际收支 What is meant by the balance of payments? What are the main purposes of the balance of payments? New words 1. systematic a. 系统的 2. theoretically adv. 理论上地 3. quarterly a. 季度的 4. principal a. 主要的 5. household n. 家庭,户 6. resident n. 居民 7. conversely adv. 相反地 8. merchandise n. [总称]商品,货物 9. book-keeping n. 记账 10. to utilize vt. 利用 11. to match vt. 与……相称/相配 Economic Terms 1. the balance of payments 国际收支,简称为BOP(注意不能直译为“付款平衡”,payment要用复数) 2. accounting principle 会计原则 3. economic policy 经济政策(注意不能将economic 误写成economical节俭的,节约的) 4. monetary policy (policy dealing with money supply)货币政策 5. fiscal policy (use of government spending to influence macroeconomic conditions)财政政策(注意:不要将fiscal policy 理解成financial policy) 6. employment policy 就业政策 7. expenditure(s)n. 开支,支出(它比用spending 正规) Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to provide information about sth.提供关于……信息 2. to be composed of...由……组成 3. to consist of...包括…… 4. a payment from sb. 来自……的付款 5. to lead to...导致…… 6. to pay for...为……付钱 7. on the right-hand side在右侧,在右边 1. asset n. 资产(包括有形和无形) 2. sub-account n. 分账 3. current account 经常项目账户,经常账户,往来账目 4. capital account 资本项目账户,资本账户,资本账目 5. property income 资产收入(包括利息、股息、利润等) 6. current transfers 馈赠,赠与(详见课文) 7. in comparison with 与……相比 8. visible trade 有形贸易(反义词为invisible trade无形贸易) Notes 9. entry n. 记入账户中的项目(a record in a book of account) 10. official reserve account官方储备账户 11. net errors and omissions净错误与遗漏 12. credit transaction贷方交易 13. debit transaction借方交易 14. doubleentry bookkeeping复式簿记 15. credit side and debit side贷方和借方 Notes Definition of the Balance of Payment A country’s BOP is a systematic record of theoretically all its international transactions. An international transaction refers to the exchange of goods, services, and assets1 between one country and the rest of the world or all other nations. A country’s BOP can either become positive or negative. to provide information about a country’s international economic posit


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