Lit Guide - Charlottes Web文学指南系列.pdf

Lit Guide - Charlottes Web文学指南系列.pdf

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Scholastic Book Guides: Charlottes Web © Scholastic Teaching Resources Scholastic Book Guides: Charlottes Web © Scholastic Teaching Resources Scholastic Book Guides: Charlottes Web © Scholastic Teaching Resources Scholastic Book Guides: Charlottes Web © Scholastic Teaching Resources PPRREEVV IIEEWW AA NNDD PPRREEDDIICCTT MMeeeett tthhee AAuutthhoorr DDeetteerrmmiinnee tthhee GGeennrree:: Ask students to skim EE.. BB.. WWhhiittee coauthored the adult reference work through the book to find out what type of book it The Elements of Style, worked for the New is. Yorker Magazine and other publications, and is remembered as one of the best essay writers of •• WWhhaatt cclluueess ccaann yyoouu ffiinndd tthhaatt iitt iiss ffiiccttiioonn?? HHooww modern times. In addition, White is loved and ccaann yyoouu tteellll tthhaatt tthhiiss ssttoorryy wwiillll bbee aa ffaannttaassyy rraatthheerr remembered for his wonderful children’s books tthhaann ccoommpplleetteellyy rreeaalliissttiicc?? including Charlotte’s Web. His many honors include the Newbery Honor Award and the Lewis •• IInn wwhhaatt wwaayyss ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk tthhaatt aa ssttoorryy iinn wwhhiicchh Carroll Shelf Award for Charlotte’s Web, as well tthhee mmaaiinn cchhaarraacctteerrss aarree aanniimmaallss wwiillll b


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