商务英语综合教程学生用书第三册课件彭青龙 ISBN9787811346237第三册第7课.ppt

商务英语综合教程学生用书第三册课件彭青龙 ISBN9787811346237第三册第7课.ppt

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Learning Objectives To understand what localization is To get to know the importance and benefits of localization To use theme-related vocabulary and expressions in real situations Learning Points Lead-in What is the localization strategy? Can you think of any enterprises that are good examples of localizing their products or services? What language should we use when we localize our products in a foreign market? What other factors should be taken into consideration when we localize products or services? Text A Localize Your Product to Globalize Your Business Cultural Notes Margin Revenue 边际收益 Home Field Advantage 主场优势 Export Duty 出口关税 Representation 代理 Affiliate Company 附属公司 the Toubon Law 杜蓬法 Competitive Edge 竞争力,竞争优势 Words to Drill emerge enforce asset prominent literature prospect compelling Structural Analysis Questions for Discussion What extra efforts should a company make in order to localize their products in a foreign market? What are the benefits brought by product localization? Do you think localization is a threat or an opportunity? State your reasons for your choice. Assignments Write a proposal on strategies for product localization in around 200 words Preview Text B: Case Study: Going Local Translation Exercise 1. Once successful at home, efforts are made to quickly expand globally to gain market share and increase revenues. 2. Once the consumer begins to feel that the product is specifically designed for them, the initial skepticism gives way to an enthusiasm to buy. 3. 产品必须与目标客户的期望相符。 4. 本土化不单单是将包装上的说明和文字翻译成目标国家的语言。 5. 本土化是一种将产品推销给某一国家目标客户的方式。 Quiz: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary. 1. Youth is a tremendous _____ in this job. 2. The man is likely to play a _____ part in the presidential campaign. 3. Doctors say there is little ______ of any improvement in his condition. 4. People in this area want stricter ______of existing laws. 5. The annual competition h



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