商务英语综合教程学生用书第一册课件彭青龙978 781134 508 7 第一册第1课Business Leaders.ppt

商务英语综合教程学生用书第一册课件彭青龙978 781134 508 7 第一册第1课Business Leaders.ppt

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4. The Hoover Company The Hoover Company dominated the electric vacuum cleaner industry for most of the early-and-mid-20th century to the point where the hoover brand name became synonymous with vacuum cleaners and vacuuming. dominate v. to enjoy a commanding, controlling position in Trans. 1888年在南非成立的戴比尔斯公司迅速崛起并称霸全球钻石市场. De Beers, set up in South Africa in 1888, quickly rose to dominate the global diamond market. dominant adj. domination n. Trans. Is Tiger Woods’ unprecedented golf dominance good for the sports? 泰戈.伍兹称雄高尔夫比赛是否真的有利于该项运动呢? Syn. control, command reputation n. the general estimation in which a person is held by the public. Tran. 三鹿奶粉事件严重损害了国产奶粉生产厂商的声誉。 Sanlu Milk Powder Incident has severely damaged the reputation of domestic milk-powder manufacturer. reputed adj. Trans. Bill Gates, reputed to be the worlds richest man, has been generous with his wealth. 被称为世界首富的比尔盖茨从不吝惜财富。 Syn. fame, credit transcend v. to rise above or go beyond the limits of Tran. 好书就像一台时间机器带领读者超越时间和空间。 Good books act as a time machine to lead readers to transcend time and space. Syn. surpass, exceed Stem: -scend descend v. to move from a higher to a lower place ascend v. to go or move upward condescend v. lower oneself outspoken adj. direct and open in speech and expression Tran. 坦率直言使你成为优秀的政治领袖。 Being outspoken, you would make a good political leader. outspeak v. outspokenness n. Tran. 他公开表达支持广泛使用生物燃料。 He outspoke in support of extensive use of biofuel. Tran. Much as I hated Jeremy for his outspokenness, at times I admire him for his quick wit. 虽然我讨厌杰里米的直言不讳,但是对于他的才智我还是颇为欣赏。 Syn. frank, straightforward, blunt critic n. one who forms and expresses judgments of the merits, faults, value, or truth of a matter Tran. 全球变暖的批评者认为这一假设并未得到科学证实。 Critics of the global warming argue that the hypothesis is not scientifically verified. critical adj. Tran. 如何传授学生批



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