中英文导游实训教程课件曾元胜 ISBN9787566301642 PPT4.ppt

中英文导游实训教程课件曾元胜 ISBN9787566301642 PPT4.ppt

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?实训练习:情景对话 Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 在游览越秀公园时,格林夫妇8岁的儿子走失了。你问清楚格林夫妇什么时候在什么地方发现不见了儿子,然后让领队和全陪分头去寻找而你继续带领其他游客游览。 Task 1: Mr. and Mrs. Green’s eight-old-year son got lost when visiting Yuexiu Park. You asked Mr. and Ms Green when and where their son had been missing. Then you asked the tour leader and the national guide to look for the child while you led the rest of the group to continue their tour. 项目二 游客生病 实训目标:让学生掌握游客生病/受伤的应变原则和技巧 Objectives: To grasp how to deal with the situation that one tourist suddenly falls ill or gets hurt. 实训情景:地陪张莉带领一英国旅游团前往陈家祠进行参观游览,有一位游客中暑晕倒。 Circumstances: Zhang Li, the local guide, is leading a British group visiting Chen Clan Academy. Suddenly, one of the tourists loses consciousness because of heat stroke. 实训准备:麦克风、导游胸卡、导游旗 Preparations: microphone, tour guide IC card and flag. 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 如果是一般病情,导游应劝说其及早就医,注意休息,如必要时,可以陪同其道医院就医。行程中要关心其病情。向患病游客说明看病的费用自理,严禁导游擅自给患者用药。 If it is not seriously, the guide should persuade the tourist to see the doctor as soon as possible and have a rest. If necessary, he or she should accompany the tourist to hospital. On the way, the guide should care for the tourist and tell the tourist that he or she is responsible of the medical costs. A guide should not give the tourist any medicine without the permission of doctors. 2. 若游客在旅游途中患上重病,要及时送到医院就医,应要求领队或者亲属在场,患者住院的费用和医疗的费用自理,离团没有享受的服务由旅行社之间结算按规定退回。导游员应该安排好其他旅游者的活动,全陪应继续随团旅游。要及时关心患病者的病情。 ??实训练习:情景对话? Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 游客在西藏旅游途中忽然发烧感冒,病情很严重。你马上送病人到最近的医院并通知旅行社派人协助。 Task 1: One of the tourists suddenly has a bad cold and a fever when he is travelling in Tibet. You send the patient to the nearest hospital at once and ask the local travel service to send someone to help. Mind Map 4-4 项目三 治安事件 实训目标:使学生掌握突发性安全事故的应急处理方法;学会一些基本的安全救护常识和逃生技巧;能做到遇到突发性安全事故临危不惧、不慌乱 Objectives: To master the skills to deal with security incidents, grasp some basic knowledge of f



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