外贸英语对话第四版课件诸葛霖 江春 ISBN 9787566305619 PPTUNIT 8.pptVIP

外贸英语对话第四版课件诸葛霖 江春 ISBN 9787566305619 PPTUNIT 8.ppt

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University of International Business and Economics UNIT EIGHT Withholding an Offer Words Expressions thunderstorm n. 雷雨 toss v. 颠簸 airsick n. 晕飞机 tallow n. 兽脂 unforeseen circumstance 意外,难以预料的情况 devaluation n. 贬值 imminent a. 逼近的 on a solid footing 在坚实的基础上 Words Expressions footing n. 立足点 straight and fair 公平合理 currency fluctuation 货币波动 awkward position 不利地位 lose out 吃亏,失败 precipitous a. 急剧的 pressing demands 紧迫需要 the upward trend 上涨趋势 Words Expressions bulk n. 散装(货) a bleak prospect 暗淡前景 drummed a. 桶装的 improvement n. 改进 fall into line with 与……一致 responsive a. 反应 refrain from 抑制,避开(不参与) enlighten v. 指导,启发 Words Expressions to be inclined to 打算,倾向于 cost of production 生产成本 We ran into a thunderstorm over Hong Kong. 我们在香港上空碰到了雷雨。 suggest a personal talk about this 建议和我们面谈此事 We couldn’t afford to take any chances. 我们担不起风险。 Words Expressions Will it be possible to resume negotiating the deal now? 现在可以恢复洽谈吗? the precipitous slide of the dollar 美元的急剧下跌 to bring it into line with the international market price 与国际市场价格一致 the tallow market has been easy 兽脂行市疲软 be apt to... 有……倾向的(后接不定式) Useful Phrases and Examples 1. run into 遇到,碰上,流入 The annual turnover of this department store runs into millions. 2. in reply to 答复 In reply to your letter dated 4th April, we hereby send you our best quotation for tallow. 3. to occur 发生 Such mishaps do not often occur in normal international trade. Useful Phrases and Examples 4. to look forward to… 期望,期待 We are looking forward to your early and favorable reply. 5. to get hold of 抓着,得到 I cannot get hold of anyone at the last minute. 6. to be inclined to do 倾向于 He is inclined to reject the offer from the Smith Co. Answer Key-cloze 1) If you insist on your original offer, we can hardly come to terms. 2) We’ll have to take up the matter with our end users before we tell you anything definite. 3) Can’t you see your way to closing the deal at the price we agreed on yesterday


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