外贸英语对话第四版课件诸葛霖 江春 ISBN 9787566305619 PPTUNIT 9.pptVIP

外贸英语对话第四版课件诸葛霖 江春 ISBN 9787566305619 PPTUNIT 9.ppt

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University of International Business and Economics UNIT NINE Payment by Installments Words Expressions tube mill (钢)管厂 accessories and parts 附件及零件 sub-contractor 分包商 packing credit 打包贷款 maturity date (汇票)到期日 installment payment 分期付款 an annex to the contract 合同附件 mammoth size 庞大 Words Expressions payment by installments 分期付款 sharp ad. 正点(指时刻) We know you through e-mail correspondence. 我们在电子邮件通信中已相识了。 This is the first time I have the pleasure of meeting you in person. 这是我第一次有幸和您亲自见面。 such problems as crop up in the course of a transaction. 在交易过程中冒出来的问题 Words Expressions contract under negotiation 正在洽谈中的合同 We shall co-operate with you to the fullest extent. 我们将以最大限度与您合作。 if approached in such a spirit 以这种精神处理问题 Your payment will be spread over five installments. 款项分为五批分期付款偿清。 Words Expressions I propose issuing a time draft against you for...Euros covering the value of the first partial shipment. 我建议开具价值……欧元的期票偿付第一批所交的货物的金额。 The maturity date of this time draft will be 22nd September. 本期票九月二十二日到期。 We’ll honor the draft when it becomes due signed by the reliable banks jointly and severally.  到期时我方将兑付此期票。由两个可靠的银行联合和分别签署(指负有连带责任)。 Useful Phrases and Examples 1. straighten out 解决,处理 Quite a lot of efforts have been applied to straightening out the conflicts between the two parties. We have straightened out the complicated subject of wrong delivery with Mr. Fauman. 2. crop up 冒出,产生 If you don’t consider the matter properly from the start, there is the possibility of undesirable results cropping up. Useful Phrases and Examples 3. one way or another 想方设法 We hope to reach an agreement one way or another. Try one way or another to obtain their permission. 4. mind you 请注意 Mind you, there is the cost of production to take care of. Mind you, this is not the first time I have mentioned his name. Useful Phrases and Examples 5. count on 依靠,相信 You can count on me for the choice. We count on your fulfilling the plan. 6. pave the


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