大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 26.pptVIP

大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 26.ppt

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Chapter Twenty-Six U.S. Commercial Bank Management Learning objectives After studying this Chapter you should be able to: 1. Tell for what reason we study bank management 2. Explain the basic principles of bank management 3. Describe the major aspects of U.S. bank management Notes I. New Words 1. to finance vt. 为……提供资金providing money for doing sth., 此处finance 可被fund 所取代表示同样意思 2. to run vt. 管理,经营,如 to run a bank (也可用to manage表示同样的意思) 3. to diversify vt. 使多样化to make different or various in form or quality 有时也可用to vary 取代 to diversify 4. to replenish vt. 补充,添加to put new supplies into; to fill up again 5. shortfall n. 缺少,不足an amount lacking to reach the amount needed, expected, or hoped for, e.g. We hoped to make £1?000 but after our bad luck there will be a~of at least £200. 6. defalcation n. 盗用公款,侵吞公款embezzlement of property or money belonging to another party (动词为defalcate) Notes II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to run out of sth. 用完to be no longer in supply, e.g. We have~paper. 2. by means of 用;依靠by using, e.g. She could not speak, but made her wishes known~signs. 3. now (that) 既然as a result of the fact that or since, e.g. Now (that) I’ve heard the music I understand why you like it. 4. to make adequate provision for liability 为负债提供足够的资金 5. to default on one’s debt or loan 债务违约,拖欠债务或贷款 Notes 6. to seek out 寻找=to find sth. or sb. by looking hard, e.g. To make profit, a bank must seek out loan business. 7. to make interest and principal payments on time 及时偿付本息 8. to set target goals for... 为……制定所瞄准的目标 9. to be concerned with... 对……表示关切 10. to inflict loss on/upon 使遭受损失to force sth. unwanted or unpleasant on sb., e.g. Don’t inflict this loss on us. 11. to turn one’s attention to... 将某人的注意力投向…… Notes III. Key Terms 1. rate of default 债务拖欠比率,违约率 2. reserves 准备金banks’ holding of deposits in accounts with the Fed, plus currency that is physically held by banks (vault cash) 3. negotiable certificates of deposit 可转让的大额存款单(或存单)(有时可简化为negotiable CDs.


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