美国历史文化概况英文版课件董晓波 ISBN9787811348507PPTUNIT 3.ppt

美国历史文化概况英文版课件董晓波 ISBN9787811348507PPTUNIT 3.ppt

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Unit 3 Westward Expansion CONTENTS TEACHING AIMS After studying this unit, you are required to: 1. Have a general idea of Westward Expansion. 2. Understand the history of Westward Expansion. 3. Master the difficult words and expressions. Text A Territorial Expansion TEXT A Preview 西进运动指北美独立战争到19世纪80年代向北美大陆西部移民拓殖扩张、掠夺印第安人土地的运动,也是美国资本主义向宽广方面发展的过程。在这个运动中,充满美国统治阶级血腥屠杀印第安人的事实,也留下了移民们艰苦奋斗,开发西部的业绩。 TEXT A Reading Comprehension Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true(T) or false(F). 1. At Jefferson’s time the large area to the west of the Mississippi River was named Louisiana and it was purchased by President Jefferson from Napoleon at the price of 15 million dollars in 1803.( ) 2. Due to Andrew Jackson’s reform in politics, popular political participation was risen and when dealing with Native Americans the president showed great kindness .( ) 3. The Indian Act signed by Andrew Jackson in 1837 pushed approximate 70,000 Indians beyond the frontier and into the Indian Territory (which later became Indiana). ( ) 4.The Indian removals were justified by two prevailing philosophies—the superior race theory and “Manifest Destiny”. ( ) TEXT A Notes 1. The Indian Removal Act: The Indian Removal Act, part of a United States government policy known as Indian removal, was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson on May 26, 1830. The Removal Act was strongly supported in the South, where states were eager to gain access to lands inhabited by the Five Civilized Tribes. In particular, Georgia, the largest state at that time, was involved in a contentious jurisdictional dispute with the Cherokee nation. President Jackson hoped removal would resolve the Georgia crisis. The Indian Removal Act was also very controversial. While Native American removal was, in theory, supposed to be voluntary, in practice great pressure was put on Native American leaders to sign removal treaties. Most observers, whether they w



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