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II. Choose the best answer from A), B), C) and D) to complete the following sentences. 1~5 AABBB 6~10 DABDC Part 4 Translation — 长句的翻译(2) The answers to tasks Translate the following sentences into Chinese, using the techniques of translating long sentence. 1. 说来也怪,一个局外人的介入竟然能够促使双方达成一 项他们希望得到的协议。 2. 有些人品行端正,但却不去推究为什么要这样做;有些 人深思熟虑,但却流于脱离现实;有些人非常精明,但 却把精明用于邪道。 3. 昨晚一连几个小时,我辗转反侧,难以入睡。 4.人生在世,有时会走运,若抓住时机,就能飞黄腾达。 不但男人如此,女人也一样。 5. 从我第一次入住他们家开始,里德太太一家人就一直对 我很关心,我们像是友好的邻居,又像是相识多年的老 朋友那样,书信来往始终未断。 6. 人们常说,通过电视可以了解时事,掌握科学和政治的 必威体育精装版动态。从电视里还可以看到层出不穷、既有教育意 义又有娱乐性的新节目。 7. 第二个方面是全体社会成员(从政府官员到普通公民) 都使用科学家们在他们工作中所采用的那种特殊的思考 方法和行为方法。 8. 中国的相声是一种特殊的滑稽剧。相声中两名中国喜剧 演员幽默地谈论诸如官僚主义者、家庭问题或其他一些 有关个人的话题。 9. 数百万年前,火山爆发,一座座小岛拔地而起,高出海 底4800米,形成了座座高山,巍峨壮丽。 10. 集市上人来人往,熙熙攘攘,小毛驴穿行其间,铃儿 叮当,清脆悦耳。 Part 5?? Practical Writing: Letter of Resignation The answers to tasks Task: You are required to make a Letter of Resignation according to the information given below. Resignation?Letter Dear Mr. Brown, I regret that I submit this letter to resign from the position of manager assistant. Although I came here just three months ago, I’m much honored to be a member of this company. During this period, my experience has been both challenging and rewarding. I’m confident that it will be very useful to me in my future career. Unfortunately, I feel the salary is not up to my expectations. So, after careful consideration I have decided to leave. I hope my application can be approved before June 20. I am very sorry for the resulting inconvenience brought to the company. I’m very grateful that the company gave me such a good environment to work and learn. I wish all of you a prosperous future. Sincerely, Wang Fang THANK YOU! * Unit 4 New Image Needed for Brand China刘丹青 制作 Part 1 Listening 1. M: Please tell me I haven’t mis