务翻译汉译英课件潘惠霞主编 ISBN9787811347609 PPT汉译英 Unit 10.pptVIP

务翻译汉译英课件潘惠霞主编 ISBN9787811347609 PPT汉译英 Unit 10.ppt

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【Translation】 越来越多的中国内地消费者倾向于上网购买服装和其他商品。知名的在线拍卖网站eBay表示,在未来的某一天中国将超过美国成为世界最大的在线交易市场。 eBay首席执行官梅格?惠特曼表示,她对被重新命名为“eBay易趣”(美国eBay网在中国的合资分公司)的前景感到乐观。 惠特曼表示,尽管“eBay易趣”目前仍然亏损,但其在线销售正在日益红火起来,因此现在eBay最感兴趣的是如何长远地扩大其市场份额。 惠特曼说,易趣现在有400万的注册用户,去年第四季度的网上交易额达到了4400万美元。 惠特曼表示:“未来10到15年,随着我们加大对中国市场的投入,我认为中国将成为eBay在全球范围内最大的市场。我们认为中国市场拥有巨大的发展潜力,我们希望竭尽全力保持我们在中国市场第一的位置。 易趣在上海有220名员工。eBay计划在未来几年里,在上海成立一个发展中心,届时,其员工数量将增加“数百人”。 创建于1995年的eBay现在是全球最大的在线拍卖网站。其总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的圣何塞,在全球拥有9490万注册用户。 【Version for Reference】 eBay Booms in China Mainland Chinese consumers are increasingly going online to purchase clothing and other goods, and the online auction site eBay Inc. said that China will someday overtake the United States and become its biggest market. EBay chief executive Meg Whitman said she is optimistic about prospects for EachNet, a subsidiary of the U.S.-based site that does business in China and is being renamed eBay EachNet. The Chinese site is still losing money, but online sales are booming and eBay is most interested at this point in gaining market share for a very strong business over the long haul, Whitman said. EachNet now has 4 million registered users, who traded the equivalent of $44 million in merchandise in the fourth quarter of last year, she said. Ten to 15 years from now, I think China can be eBays largest market on a global basis as we build up the local trade and the export trade. We think China has tremendous long-term potential and we want to do everything we can to maintain our No. 1 position. Whitman said. EachNet has employed 220 employees in Shanghai, but eBay plans to expand its staff size by several hundreds over the next few years as it launches a development center. Founded in 1995, eBay is now the worlds largest online auction site. It is based in San Jose, Calif., and has 94.9 million registered users globally. 【Tips for Translation】 信息关系调整 (二) 我们知道汉语句子特点是“以意统形”。因而汉语的句法特征是意合( parataxis),强调逻辑关联与意义关联而不在意词语之间和句际之间的形式衔接。英语句子的特点是强调形式和功能,因而英语的句法特征是



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