实用外经贸谈判英语教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811348095 PPT PPTLesson 7.pptVIP

实用外经贸谈判英语教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811348095 PPT PPTLesson 7.ppt

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Lesson 7 Brief Introduction to International Business Practices 国际贸易实务简介 New Words and Expressions 1. preparatory [????????????] a. 预备的,准备的 2. commodity fair 商品交易会 3. implementation [????????????????] n. 履行;实现 4. bank reference 银行资信证明 5. chamber of commerce 商会 6. councilor [?????????] n. 评议员;(大使馆的)参赞;顾问 7. credit agency 信用调查所,征信所 8. six C’s “六C”原则,指信用调查中反映贸易商资信情况的六个方面:character(品格,商业道德),capacity (经营能力),capital (资本),country (国别,所在国的政治环境),currency (货币,外汇是否受管制)和condition (市场供需情况) 41. transshipment [????????????] n. 转载;转运 42. shipping advice 装船通知 43. dispatch [????????] v. 发货,发送 44. collide ???l???] v. 碰撞;抵触 45. coverage [?????????] n. 保险范围 46. peruse [???????] v. 详细考察;精读 47. authentic [?????????] a. 可信的;真正的,真实的 48. formality [??????????] n. 礼节;仪式;正式手续 49. open policy预定保险单 Introduction Generally speaking, international trade consists of four different processes: preparatory work, business negotiation, signing of business contract and implementation of the business contract. 一般而言,国际贸易包括4个不同过程:准备工作、交易磋商、签约以及履约。 Business Preparatory Work As far as the preparatory work is concerned, the exporter has to be engaged in marketing research abroad so as to be familiar with the local conditions of the market, the opportunities in the overseas market waiting to be developed and the preference and purchasing power of the local customers. 就准备工作而言,出口商必须在国外进行市场调查,以便了解当地市场行情、国外有待开发的 市场、消费偏好及购买力。 Another important aspect of preparatory work is to establish business relations with prospective dealers. 准备工作的另一个重要方面是与潜在的交易商建立业务关系。 Business Negotiation In international trade, business negotiation has direct influence upon the conclusion and implementation of a contract and plays a basic part in the conclusion of sales contract and has a great bearing on the economic interest of the parties involved. 国际贸易中,交易的磋商对合同的签订和合同的履行产生直接的影响,在商务合同的达成当中起着基本的作用,关系到交易双方的经济利益。 Generally speaking, business negotiation consists of four steps: inquiry, offer, counter offer and counter-counter offer



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