商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTSpeaking Test for Unit 9 14.ppt

商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTSpeaking Test for Unit 9 14.ppt

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Speaking Test for Unit 9-14 Section A: Problem Solving Directions: In this section, you will be asked to solve a business problem by yourself. You have two minutes to prepare. Task One If you are in a position in Foreign Trade Department of your company, as for the quantity of the exported commodities, what should be paid special attention? ★Tips: (1) The supply and demand in overseas markets. (2) The domestic supply position(国内供应情况). (3) Trends of prices in the international market. (4) The credit status and business capacity of the foreign clients. Reference Answers (1) 国外市场的供求情况。要正确运用市场供求变化规律,按照国外市场实际需要合理确定成交量,以保证我国出口商品卖得适当的价钱,对于我主销市场和常年稳定供货的地区与客商,应经常保持一定的成交量,防止因成交量过小,或供应不及时,使国外竞争者乘虚而入,使我们失去原来的市场和客户。 (2)国内货源情况.。在有生产能力和货源充足的情况下,可适当扩大成交量。反之,则不应盲目成交,以免给生产企业和履行合同带来困难。   (3) 国际市场的价格动态。当价格看跌时,应多成交,快脱手;价格看涨时,不宜急于大量成交,应争取在有利时机出售。 (4) 国外客户的资信状况和经营能力,对资信情况不了解和资信欠佳客户,不宜轻易签订成交数量较大的合同,对小客户也要适当控制成交数量,而大客户成交数量过小,将缺少吸引力。总之要根据客户的具体情况确定适当的成交数量。 Task Two If you are in a position in Foreign Trade Department of your company, as for the quantity of the imported commodities, what should be paid special attention? ★Tips: (1) Actual domestic demand. (2) Domestic payment capacity. (3) Changes of market quotations(市场行情). Reference Answers (1)国内的实际需要。应根据实际需要确定成交量,以免盲目成交。 (2)国内的支付能力。当外汇充裕而国内又有需要时,可适当扩大进口商品数量。如外汇短缺,应控制进口,以免浪费外汇和出现不合理的贸易逆差。 (3)市场行情的变化。当行情对我有利时,可适当扩大成交数量反之应适当控制成交数量。 Section B: Presentation Directions: In this section, you will be asked to make a presentation on ONE of the business topics for two minutes. You have two minutes to prepare. Presentation One Directions: One of the customers says that your offer is more expensive than the price offered on a website. What and how would you say to him/her? Try to make a presentation in which you manage to talk over him/her to buy your laptop. Reference Key Sentences Our goods are reasonably priced, and we have formed a good fame by virtue of honest service. 价格实惠,以诚信服务建立多年的良好口碑。 Our company features small profits bu


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