商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTUnit14.ppt

商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTUnit14.ppt

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Unit Fourteen Business Conference 商务会议 Part one Warm-up: (1) What should be prepared if you are going to hold a business conference? Discuss this topic with your partners in groups. Reference Answers (1) Conference theme,meeting names. 确定会议主题与议题, 确定会议名称。 (2) Required equipments, meeting room, valid documentation,meeting documents, meeting notice. 会议所需设备和工具、会议室、有效证件,和会议通知。 (3) Conference agenda. 会议议程。 Key Word(s): get started Since everyone is here, lets have a meeting. 既然大家都来了,让我们开会吧。 Now that everyone is here, lets begin our meeting. 既然大家都到了,我们就开会吧。 Since everyone has come, lets begin our meeting. 既然大家都来了,我们开会吧。 Now that Mr. Liu has arrived, we can begin our meeting. 既然刘先生已经到了,我们就开会吧。 Key Word(s):topic for discussion 议题 Were here today to discuss product research. 我们今天的议题是产品研发。 The first thing on the agenda today is recycling. 今天的首要议题是循环再利用。 The next thing on the agenda today is office appearance. 今天的第二个议题是办公室外观。 The first item of business on the agenda today is production management. 今天要讨论的第一个议题是生产管理。 Key Word(s):absence 缺席 Ruth will be absent today. she is incapacitated by a sore throat. 鲁丝今天将缺席,喉咙痛使他不能出席。 Hes unable to come to the meeting today due to health problems. 因为身体不适,他不能出席今天的会议了。 He is absent today, for he is ill. 他今天缺席了,因为他生病了。 Key Word(s):progress How is that project coming along?这项工程进行得怎么样? How is the production coming along? 生产进行得怎么样? How is your project coming along ?你的项目进展得如何了? Key Word(s):anything else Now, is there any other business?现在还有什么别的事吗? Is there any other business to discuss?还有其他事情需要讨论吗? Unless there is any other business, we can end the meeting.如果没有别的事情,我们的会议可以结束了。 Key Word(s):conclusion Ive come to the conclusion that we shouldnt put it on the market.我得出的结论是不应该现在把它推向市场。 Weve come to the conclusion that if we extend our closing time by two hours.我们达成的结论是,如果我们延后我们的打烊时间两个小时。 We can come to the conclusion that the companys new plan will be successful.我们可得出这样的结论:公司的新计划是会取得成功的。 Key Word(s):disagree Im sorry, but I have to disagre



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